Eastbourne - Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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26th Apr 2024 09:34 BST
Duty Officer Rota [Directors/Hosts]
26th Apr 2024 09:30 BST
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25th Apr 2024 10:44 BST
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10th Apr 2024 17:40 BST
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Ebu. Summer meeting.

In Eastbourne. 8th-11th August 2024

At present we are not providing any bridge lessons

for either beginners or Intermediates.

A reminder that if you wish to view your personal

analysis (all your personal results at shbc) ,

change your address etc, you need to use

the "members only" option. (see main menu) 




Latest News for members [also sent out by e-mail]

News Update 12 March 2024 Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club 1. SHBC Website The long-promised revamp of our website has been completed thanks to the sterling efforts of Mark Elliott and Robin Levett. Members are invited to have a look-see and advise Robin of any further changes or improvements which might be made. Further, it would be helpful if members could check their personal data (included in Members Only) and effect any changes which might be required (then, inform Christine Till, Membership Secretary, as appropriate viz email, telephone data). 2. Automation It is now more than six months since Bridge Sorter (dealing machine) and Bridgemates were introduced. These innovations have proved very popular although, inevitably, there have been glitches from time to time. Documentation of the dealing and scoring processes (undertaken by Emma Whybrow and Mark Elliott) now needs to be refined in order to clarify the precise roles of the key persons involved in the management of each and every session viz. the dealer, the scorer and, most importantly, the director. The committee will oversee the refinement process now underway. 3. Host At present, the schedule is full through end-April except for 18 April. Members should be alert as to when their turn to host is due and to advise Viv Morris accordingly - see Duty Officer Rota. 4. Dates for your Diary 28 Mar  Easter Teams 30 May  Annual General Meeting 26 Sep  Peter Wraight Trophy 24 Oct   Lupus Charity Day 28 Nov   EBU Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs In addition, please remember that the due date for membership subscriptions of £20 is 1 April 2024. The receipt to date of some 50 subscriptions is much appreciated. Alan R Middleton, Chairman SHBC  

News Update 15 February 2024 Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club IMPORTANT NOTICE TO MEMBERS 1. Membership As members are aware, we have been at virtually full capacity in recent months in terms of numbers and tables per session. However, come 1 April 2024, there will be an opportunity to enrol new members as age, relocation and other priorities take their toll on our current numbers. Accordingly, if you intend to resign your membership of SHBC, please let Membership Secretary Christine Till or me know as soon as possible. Effective 1 April 2024, the annual subscription will remain at £20 (and Table Money at £3.50 per session). Please make arrangements to pay your subscription, ideally via BACs to Metro Bank, Eastbourne, Sort Code 23-05-80, Account Number 34877173 in the name of Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club; alternatively, payment may be made in cash or by cheque (if absolutely necessary) when attending at SHYC. Payment receipts will be issued in due course. Membership will lapse if payment is not made by 14 May, 2024. 2. Hosting While the system works very well, gaps in the schedule need to be filled from time to time. As of today, volunteers are required for hosts on 11 April, 18 April, 7 May and 21 May. Please contact Viv Morris if you are in a position to assist. 3. Competitions As you will know from recent circulars, teams events are being organised by: -Mark Elliott - an on-line SCCBA inter club tournament and -Hilary Levett - an in-house league tournament to be held in members’ homes. For further information, etc., please contact Mark or Hilary. Further, there will be: - a pairs event on Thursday, 27 March - an as-yet-to-be determined event in September for the Peter Wraight trophy and - a simultaneous pairs event in November in support of the EBU’s Children in Need campaign. The Harry Shirley trophy (Improvers Award) and Yvonne Buss trophy will continue as previously. Any questions you may have vis-a-vis competitions should be referred to Hilary Levett. 4. Please note that: - a huge review of SHBC’s website is in progress (please bear with us as it proceeds) - members are required by SHYC to carry their membership cards while at SHYC and - the new dealing machine is fully operational although, as is to be expected, challenging as our teams of dealers come to terms with what it has to offer. Alan R Middleton