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Bridge Info

1.  I will not put my hand anywhere near my bidding box until I am sure what I am going to bid.

You must not touch a bidding card and then use a different one. You must not take a bidding card from the box and hold it in the air whilst you consider whether or not to use it. Once you touch a bidding card, it must ne used.

2.  When Dummy, I will not play a card until Declarer calls for it.

3.  When Dummy, I will not tell my partner if he has played from the wrong hand.

If Declarer plays a card from the wrong hand, either by playing from hand or calling for a card from Dummy, only the opponents can correct him. However, Dummy can try to prevent Declarer from playing from the wrong hand, eg if Declarer starts to take a card from hand when he should be playing from Dummy. But, once a card has been played, Dummy must be silent.

4.  If my partner makes a conventional bid, I will announce or alert immediately without being asked.

5.  I will not alert a conventional bid above 3NT, eg Blackwood, unless it is on the first round.

Alerting bids above 3NT is illregal and gives partner information.

6.  If my opponents alert, I will not ask for an explanation unless I am considering making a bid.

Asking for an explanation may imply that you are considering making a bid, thus giving your partner information. Once the bidding has ended, you can ask for an explanation of all the bidding.

7. If my partner fails to follow suit, I will ask him whether he is out of this suit by saying "Having none?"

This can help reduce revokes.

Bidding Boxes

These are the EBU adopted procedures on how bidding boxes should be used.

Bidding boxes were introduced so that no comments, mutterings or body language occurred during the auction. That is in effect ‘in silence’.

1. Players should refrain from touching any cards in the box until they have determined their call. A call is considered to have been made when the call is removed from the bidding box with apparent intent.

2. Alerts should be made by use of the Alert card. The Alert card must be used by a player’s partner if the player makes an artificial call. It is the responsibility of the alerting player to ensure that BOTH his opponents are aware of the alert. If a player alerts his partner’s bid, that player only gives an explanation if he is asked to by the opponent next to bid.

3. Before making a jump bid (i.e. a bid at a higher level than the minimum in that denomination) a player should place the Stop card in front of him, then place his call as usual, and eventually remove the Stop card. His LHO should not call until the Stop card has been removed.

4. The Stop card should be left on the table for about ten seconds, to give the next player time to reflect. It should not be removed prematurely.

5. After a jump bid, the next player MUST pause for about ten seconds before calling. It is an offence either not to pause or to show indifference when pausing. If the Stop card has been removed prematurely or has not been used, an opponent should nevertheless pause as though the Stop card had been used correctly.

6. At the end of the auction, the calls should remain in place until the opening lead has been faced and all explanations have been obtained, after which they should be returned to their boxes.

7. Calls made using cards are treated under the Laws in the same way as spoken calls. For example, a call may be changed without penalty only if:

(a) The change is solely due to the player having taken out the wrong card in error; and

(b) He changes - or attempts to change - it instantly after he REALISES that he has removed the wrong card by mistake. Note that this does not permit a change where the player decided to make a call that he then realised was wrong but had already removed the card for the call he originally intended from the box.

8. If a Stop card is taken from the box, no call has been made until the card for the actual bid is taken out. Thus a player who has pulled out the Stop card is entitled to change his mind and make a call which is not a jump bid. Also a Stop card played out of turn is not a call out of turn, and may be replaced without penalty, and the player can make any legal call when it reaches his turn. Unauthorised information is available to partner in either case.

Best Behaviour

The Best Behaviour at Bridge Code

Bridge is an extremely enjoyable game. Courteous behaviour is an exceptionally important part of that enjoyment.

This guide serves as a brief reminder of how to behave at the bridge table. We are sure that all players naturally follow this code of conduct, but there are times when concentration and pressure can take their toll and it is for these situations that we issue this as a reminder.

Greet others in a friendly manner prior to start of play on each round.

Be a good ‘host’ or ‘guest’ at the table.

Make your convention card readily available to your opponents and fill it out completely.

Make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents.

Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.

Take care of your personal grooming.

Ensure that your mobile phone is turned off.

Enjoy the company as well as the game.

Remember that it is rude to criticise your partner or opponents in public, to be less than polite at the table, to gloat over good results, to object to a call for the Tournament Director or to dispute or argue about a Director’s ruling.

Please call the director if you think you may have been affected by bad behaviour. You will be helping others as well as yourselves

Rules for Dummy

Rules for Dummy


When declarer shows out of a suit, eg Hearts, Dummy may say "No Hearts, Partner?" or "Having none?"

Dummy can attempt to try to prevent declarer from leading from the wrong hand but must do so before the card is played or called for. Once it is played or called for, Dummy must remain silent.

Dummy can tell declarer that he has put the trick the wrong way around but only before the next trick is played to.

Dummy can call attention to an irregularity only when play has ended.

Dummy should answer any questions from the Director.


If Declarer plays from the wrong hand, Dummy cannot point this out.

When dummy has only winners left, Dummy cannot say "They are all good".

Dummy cannot play any card other than the one called for by Declarer.

Dummy must not reach for a card until it is called for.

Dummy must not draw attention to an irregularity before anyone else.