Social Bridge - Ryde
Release 2.19p
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Pages viewed in 2024

Please note that all players should be seated 10 minutes prior to scheduled commencement of play

Welcome to Social Bridge - Ryde
About Us
About Us

Social Bridge Australia was founded by John Newman in 1980 as a venue for members to enjoy duplicate bridge in a social environment at various centres in Sydney. The Centre at Ryde Eastwood leagues club has been in operation since 1981

John founded Bridge Travel in 1984 in order to accommodate his social players and players from other clubs on cruise ships and at various resorts in Australia.  He still conducts these bridge holidays to ensure that club players from all over the country and from overseas can enjoy socialising with one another through playing bridge.

Lost & Found


Found Monday 10th Oct following bridge session ...

Navy blue jacket has been left at club reception





ABF Promotions

See "News for Members"  cheeky

Scorer: Rhonda Goldman
Scorer: Rhonda Goldman
Scorer: Rhonda Goldman
Social Bridge
Scorer: Rhonda Goldman