Silhill Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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15th Apr 2024 19:11 BST
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Hand of the week

4 = Splinter raise, 4+ hearts, short in clubs, game value
4 = Scroll inquiry
= Singleton in clubs
5 = Two key cards for hearts, no Q

After 5 West bids 5NT as a grand slam try, confirming that all key cards are held as well as the trump queen. East's 6 shows one king outside trumps and not enough extra to bid a grand slam.

North leads
Q, a normal choice. The diamond lead would defeat 6, but North cannot tell that. Plan the play!

Declarer should not rely on the diamond finesse. Take the A and draw trumps. Continue with the A, club ruff, K, spade ruff, club ruff. On dummy's fourth sade, when South follows, do not ruff but discard a diamond ('loser on loser'). South has to play a diamond or give you a ruff and discard.

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