Bridge Shediac
Release 2.19q

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Bar Graph: A graphical view of revenue (purple) and expenses (brown) by month for the year 2022

Pie Graph: The distribution of the total income for the year by category of expense with the remainder being the profit.

Last updated : 21st Jan 2023 11:53 AST

A breakdown by month of all revenues (and related activities such as number of players, etc.) by category with totals for the year

Last updated : 21st Jan 2023 12:01 AST

A breakdown by month of all expenditures grouped and sub-totalled along with totals for the year

The bottom line (profit/loss) is the difference between the total revenues and the total expenses for each month

Last updated : 21st Jan 2023 12:07 AST