SpadeHeart  DiamondClub
Release 2.19o
Duplicate Session Times

Monday 10:00am

Wednesday 10:00am

Thursday 6:00pm

Please arrive 15 minutes before play.

$7:00 per session

Clubrooms are located at Sale Masonic Hall

5-7 Marilyn Way Sale 3850

Upcoming Events


Phillip Island Congress Saturday/Sunday September 14/15th

Wednesday Pairs (1/2) Wednesday September 18th (NOT Nationwide)

Wednesday Pairs (2/2) Wednesday September 25th

Palfryman Teams Saturday October 12th (10:30 start. 2 sessions of play.)

Enter as a pair. Players and play matched. BYO lunch. Morning and afternoon tea provided.

Nationwide Wednesday October 16th

Thursday Pairs
Thursday Pairs

Congratulations David Hudson and Rob Ziffer winners Thursday Pairs.

Pictured here with Director John Haylock


Well done to the following promotions for July 2024

Daph Bennett - Silver Local

Raynor Castles - Bronze Local


News Page
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

2024 Beginner Bridge lessons now complete and players are joining Thursday night supervised play.

Play Parkinsons at Sale Golf Club on April 23.Games played were Bridge, Solo, Mahjong, Hand and Foot and other games. The day was  a great success. Golfers and games players shared afternoon tea.

Last updated : 9th May 2024 13:23 ESTA