Saham Toney Bridge Club
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AGM Minutes 2014
Minutes of AGM January 26th 2017

AGM Minutes January 26th 2017

1, Members present

There were 24 members present.

2. Apologies for Absence

Pat & Allen Fosbrook, Heather Lester, Christine Taylor, Neil Cliff and Ian Allen.

3. Minutes of AGM 2016

These were read, approved and signed as a true record.

4. Matters arising.


5. Chairman's Report.

The club continues to be a friendly place for bridge.

The most notable events for David was the night of the floods when 3 members managed to get to Broom Hall but only 2 got home again!!

6 Treasurer's Report (see attached sheet)

Audrey reported a balance of £325.28.

Thanks were expressed to Janice Hardy for auditing the books.

The report was unanimously accepted by all members present.

Subscriptions are to stay at £5.

7, Secretary's Report

We have had another good year with several new mebers joining us.

Thanks to Fran and Martin Parker for hosting our BBQ on a lovely sunny day giving a very enjoyable event.

As usual, the Christmas party was great with a fantastic buffet, fun bridge and lots of prizes.

No date has yet been set for the return bridge match with Swaffham but we are hoping for revenge when we play.

The annual dinner is on March 25th to be held at Broom Hall - details from David later.

The BBQ date has been changed to July 8th. Venue to beo organized at alater date. This will be changed on the website.

8. Election of Officers.

Chairman/Tournament Director     David Sawyer

Assistant Tournament Director      Sylvia Hackshall

Treasurer                                       Audrey Cleverly

Secretary                                       Elaine Aberdeen

Scorer                                            Maureen Flack 

9. AOB

None so meeting closed at 6.50pm

Saham Toney Bridge Club

A.G.M. Minutes

January 16th 2014

Members present

There were 27 members present

2. Apologies for Absence

Gordon Bingham, Ann Bayes

3. Minutes of A.G.M. 2013

These were read, approved and signed as a true record

4. Matters arising

We did not play in the Simultaneous pairs competitions

5. Chairman’s Report

Jeff started by saying we were very sorry to lose two of our founder members, John and Joan, this year. They are sadly missed.

The Annual Dinner will be held on Saturday March 22nd at Richmond Park Golf Club. It was decided that a sit down chosen menu should be had.

Jeff thanked all members who arrived early to set up the tables and those who stayed to clear away.

He stated that we are looking for a replacement on the committee for Assistant Tournament Director and Scorer to replace John Watson and Sylvia Meade.

Thanks were expressed to John and Sylvia for all the work they have done for the club over the years.

A new method of scoring and setting up a web site has been looked into but this will cost quite a bit of money and so Jeff put it to the members to think about it and a vote will be taken in a few weeks time.

Jeff thanked the committee for their support over the past year.

He stated that he was happy to continue as TD and Chairman over the next year but might miss club nights on occasions.

6. Treasurer’s Report (see attached sheet)

Audrey reported a balance of £406.09

Thanks were expressed to Sylvia Hackshall for auditing the books.

Proposed by Heather Piper and seconded by Lesley Matthews that the report be accepted. All in favour.

£5 subscriptions now due for 2014.

7. Secretary’s Report

The Christmas party was a great success with as usual, very good food and a big thank you to everyone for turning up early to set up and all staying to clear away afterwards.

Thanks to Rosemary for hosting the 2013 BBQ

The BBQ this year will be held at Fran and Martins on Sunday June 29th

The annual dinner is to be at the golf club, details to follow next month.

The return bridge match with Swaffham will take place on Wednesday April 10th when we hope to avenge our dubious defeat last November.

8. Election of Officers

John Watson and Sylvia Meade have resigned from the committee so two new members needed. These positions will be filled by Sylvia Hackshall and Maureen Flack.

New Committee


Jeff Sutton

Assistant Tournament Director

Sylvia Hackshall


Audrey Cleverly


Elaine Aberdeen

Committee member

Maureen Flack

Any Other Business

Sue asked if squash could be provided for members who do not drink tea or coffee. This will be looked into.

As there was no other business, the meeting closed at 7.03pm.