Release 2.19q
When the bridge is too hard.....

We serve unlimited tea, coffee and biscuits in each session, and we believe you should enjoy them. Mugs and cups are always provided and are washed hygienically in a dishwasher.

When the bridge is too hard.....
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Heart of England Bridge

  We have changed our name and moved to a new web site!  

Face to Face at Rugby Village
Arranging to take part

You book in advance to come to a face to face session and it's only open to paid up members of the club.

Each event is created in the calendar on the morning of the same day of the week before. For example on Monday morning bookings open for the following Monday.

Covid Security
We provide sanitised or quarantined equipment for each player and no one touches anyone else's cards, bidding boxes or scoring tablets.

We clean all the tables, chairs and likely touch points before each session. We prop doors open to ensure ventilation and to avoid you having to touch them. We take the risk of transmission very seriously and do everything we can to keep you safe.

The venue has been equipped with signage, sanitiser dispensers and a strong cleaning regime.

Your co-operation is required. Players must continue to help by:
  1. Wearing face coverings moving about the room
  2. Sanitising hands on arrival, when leaving, using the toilet and when moving between rounds
  3. Staying 1m apart AND keeping either the table screen or a face covering between you and everyone else in the room

Please use the NHS-Covid 19 app to check in at our and at other venues. You can also check daily information on it. Rugby Borough Council are posting daily case numbers for the town on Facebook.

It is your decision whether to play or not. We will continue to hold that option open for you as long as we reasonably can.
Face to Face at Rugby Village

We are now playing Hesitation Mitchells when we have three tables or four tables. This means that all but one table have sitting North/South, but one table is a "Twizzle" table. It adds an extra round, and therefore an extra move. We are providing a new scoring tablet for the North on each round for the North at the Twizzle table. We are putting the Twizzle table, which has the highest number, at the far end of the room by the kitchen area. 

This means that the sessions are always pairs, and there's no teams. It also means that the sessions qualify for master points and the NGS.