Diss Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Diss Bridge Club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union and the Norfolk Contract Bridge Association.


Laws and Etiquette
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
After the hand has been played out.
All players should leave the 13 cards in front of them, as played, until all have agreed how many tricks have been won by declarer.
Last updated : 1st Feb 2013 15:44 GMT
New EBU Announcing Rules

4D Alerts and announcements – 1§ and 1¨ openings

4 D 1 Prepared or short 1§ and 1¨ openings (which may be made on two cards or fewer) are announced as “may be” followed by the minimum number e.g. "May be two". Strong and artificial 1§ and 1¨ openings are alerted as are a two way 1§ opening such as the Polish Club and any opening which may be short but is unconditionally forcing.


4G Announcements – 2NT openings and responses

4 G 1 Natural 2NT openings are announced by stating the range, e.g. by saying “20 to 22”. It is not necessary to add “may contain a singleton”.

4 G 2 A Stayman 3§ bid is announced, but only in response to a natural 2NT opening where there has been no intervention; and only where it is used to ask for a four card major. Opener says “Stayman”. After such a 3¨ response a 3§ rebid by opener denying a major does not need an alert. Unusual responses such as opener bidding 3NT or higher or 3ª showing spades but not denying hearts should be alerted. Stayman is announced whether or not it shows a four card major.


4 G 3 Red suit transfers at the three level, i.e. ¨ to © and © to ª , are announced, but only in response to a natural 2NT opening where there has been no intervention, and where the transfer shows at least five cards in the major suit concerned. Opener says “Hearts” when 3¨ is bid, or “Spades” when 3© is bid.

Last updated : 25th Jul 2013 09:23 GMT