Rowlands Castle Bridge Club
Release 2.19r


Keep coughs and colds out of the bridge room, please.

We are COVID careful so please do not come if you have tested positive.

Bank Details


Rowlands Castle Bridge Club

NatWest Bank




About the Club

We play competitive bridge in a relaxed and friendly manner at St John’s Church Hall, Rowlands Castle.

We play on Wednesday evenings 6:45 for a 7:00 pm start. We aim to play 24 boards in 3 hours, finishing around 10pm.

New members and visitors are most welcome.

We do not have a “host” system, but our Chair, Ann Milne (contact details below) will try to find partners if requested in advance.

See 'Where & When' in the menu for more details



Ann Milne


02392 478788


Club Night
Club Night
Duplicate Pairs
Duplicate Pairs
Duplicate Pairs
Duplicate Pairs
2024 Week 34
Important Events

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The annual membership fee of £15 is now due. 

Please pay either by cash to Sarah or online to our bank account, details on the left of this page.

Thank you!

♠   ♣ 



Pairs Champions 2022/23

David & Ann Milne

Worthy winners of the pairs competition with an average score of 54.25


Christmas Party 2023 Winners


Winners of the Christmas Chicago Competition : Ladies winner Carole Watson, Gents winner Aubrey Welterveden

Slam Champion 2022/23


With a total of 10 Slams bid and made - Colin Cox with Sarah presenting the prize