Release 2.19q
Voucher Payments

Vouchers cost £30 for a book of 10.

Rottingdean Bridge Club

Lloyds Bank

Sort Code:     30-94-63

Account:        22546568

Reference:   Please use your name [this is important to enable the Treasurer to track your payment]

Please contact our Treasurer:

Belinda Leacock on

Looking for a Partner?

Looking for a Partner? Please contact:

Pam Wright on

Please dont be shy ... we are a very friendly club!  

Want to Play or Learn to Play Bridge?
Want to Play or Learn to Play Bridge?

If you would like to see what Bridge is all about, or would like to learn to play Bridge, then please contact

Monica Watts on 07902078303

We can arrange tuition for newcomers or those that are just rusty and will help you play well in a friendly environment.

If you want to join our club then please contact the Membership Secretary:

Angie on 07941150937

Whiteways & Room Set-up

Any questions re: The Centre please contact the RBC Representative Lindsay on

Could all players wait until Richard, the caretaker, has set up the tables and chairs.

There will be no access to the hall until 1:15pm

Thank you.

Member Login
Email or Name or EBU No :
Password :
Remember Me :
If you have already registered as a member to use pages of Rottingdean Bridge Club then enter your Email or Name and Password and click .
If you use the same email as someone else at the club, then enter your Name as spelt in the results instead of Email.
If this is the first time that you have used the , click .
If you have forgotten your password, click .
If you would like to register to use the pages of Rottingdean Bridge Club, click [Register].