Release 2.19r
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Scoring Amendments

Any errors in the scoring which come to light after the event must be notified to the Director by noon the next day.  Both parties to email/phone the Director to confirm the agreed amendment.  A list of the Directors with their contact details can be found under Club Information in the Menu. 

Members Area

The Members Area is where you can find phone numbers and email addresses of other members.  Just register using your email address and follow the link in the email you will receive. You can also use the Find a Partner facility if you wish, but Jo Baker is still happy to help you find a partner, as she has done for many years now.

Welcome to Ross-on-Wye Bridge Club


Welcome to the Ross-on-Wye Bridge Club Web Pages

The Club meets in the Larruperz Centre in Ross-on-Wye.

Monday evenings Bridge starts promptly at 7.00 pm.

We ask players to arrive by 6.45 pm  to allow the directors to organise the various forms of duplicate bridge that we play and set up the  Scoring system and Bridgemates accordingly.

We also have a Friday afternoon session which meets at 1.15pm for a 1.30pm start for a more relaxed Bridge session.

Both sessions are open to all members, and visitors are welcome.  As we do not run a hosting system, please contact us beforehand if you are planning to come by yourself.

 There is a table fee of £5 for Members and £6 for Visitors.

Visitors are welcome to most sessions (up to three times per year), but should contact one of the committee to check that they may attend, this is particularly relevant to Simultaneous Competitions which have specific restrictions. 


Charity Bridge Drive

A Charity Bridge Drive is to be held at Ross Golf Club on Thursday 31st October in aid of The Megan Baker Charity and The Ross Meeting Centre for Dementia Suffers.  See the menu item on the left for full details of how to enter etc..

Beginners & Returners Bridge Lessons

A new course of bridge lessons for beginners, or returners, is going to start on Tuesday 17th September at Much Birch Community Hall.  The course consists of two terms, each containing 12 lessons.  See the menu item on the left for all the details.

Bridge For Improvers

'Bridge for improvers - investigating/playing and discussing already played hands with Steve Lawrence

Next Replay Session will take place as follows:

Time:-  Tuesday 24th Sept  10am to 12 noon  

Venue:-  37 Alton Street HR9 5AG

This will be a one off session where we will play several selected interesting hands from the previous Monday night session. Then discuss them and compare our result with those from Monday and see what we could have done to improve our result. We will probably take 20 - 30 mins for each hand so plenty of time for discussion.

At a nominal cost of £3 to include refreshments. 

For details phone Steve on 01989 218432

Bridge Library

There is a library of bridge books which are available for members to borrow and is held by Rob Wilkinson.  The list can be found under the Bridge Library menu item.  Contact Rob via email on with your requests.

RBC Committee



Duplicate Pairs
Director: Ellen
Scorer: Roy
Handicap Pairs
Director: Roy
Scorer: Sue
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Denise Robertson
Scorer: Keith Ray
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Peter
Scorer: Keith
Mon 23rd September 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Sue
Scorer: Roy
Fri 27th September 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Mon 30th September 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Janet
Scorer: Andrew
Fri 4th October 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Mon 7th October 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Director: Rob
Scorer: Richard