Rosemary Bridge
Release 2.19n
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Pages viewed in 2024
Club Champions

Pairs Competitions

1989 J Harper     P Raby





Need a partner?

Are you registered for Club Membership on the website?

Click on 'Membership' on the left.

'Membership Login' will open - if you have already registered, simply type your email and the password (we recommend 'rosemary')

If you have yet to register, now you need to click the 'Register' button - this will cause a Membership Registration Document to appear - you will need to enter your e-mail address and name, then you will need the club membership code - see email from Clive or ring him. Once you have completed the form - press 'Register' again.

The 'Club Calendar' will appear. On the date you need a partner simply click the box labelled 'Partner Required' and if you wish you may enter your telephone number in the box called 'Partner/Note/System'.

Finally press 'Confirm' (in the top-left corner) - your name should appear in red on the right hand side of the Calendar.  Job done!

Our new Mobile number during sessions only is 07732 187044
Recent Results!

The last three results are shown below.

Other results can be accessed by clicking the link on the left.

20th September 2024
Friday Pairs
23rd September 2024
Monday Pairs
25th September 2024
Venture Group
Venture Group
Monday Pairs
Friday Pairs