Ripley (Yorks) Bridge
Release 2.19q
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Session times

As from Monday 05th February '24 start time will be 13:00  and finish time 16:00, please ensure you arrive by 12:45

Ripley Bridge Club - Social Bridge at its Best

as from 5 Feb 24

sessions 13:00 to 16:00

please arrive 15 minutes before scheduled start time

membership enquiries

peter rawcliffe 01423 879258

mark dixon 01423 569581

mary russell 07763 566287




Ethos and Etiquette

 Our Ethos is clearly defined as Social Duplicate Bridge with the opportunity for people to mix and have social time whilst playing the game they love.

♠ it is in everyone's interest  for members and visitors to follow appropriate Etiquette and Procedure at the Bridge table, these will help with the smooth operation of our Bridge sessions for both new and experienced players. Please be tolerant when players new to Bridge play at our tables and offer guidance and any help they require in the first daunting months at the club, we were all learners once.

 Before Play:

  • Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session to enable movement to be set on the Scorebridge system, please be aware you may not be able to be accommodated after this time.
  • Please remember to switch off your Mobile phone.
  • sit-outs for the first round (where applicable) will be EAST-WEST .  North-south will be the missing players
  • Both pairs should check that they are playing the correct boards (TAKE CARE IF SHARING BOARDS WITH ANOTHER TABLE) against the correct opponents.
  • When you first pick up your hand make sure you have thirteen cards before bidding.


  • It is good practice to keep your Bidding cards on the table until a lead has been made, if you are dummy put your hand down first and then put them away, if you are declarer please leave your final bid on the table until the hand is finished and the score entered.
  • Don't touch the 'Bid'  cards in the bidding box until sure of your bid.
  • Avoid doing anything that can be construed as a signal.
  • Use the 'Stop' card when making a jump bid, including opening bids, leave it on the table for ten seconds then put it away.
  • When you play a Convention your partner shopuld clearly state what it is.
  • During  the bidding you may ask the partner of the person who made a bid for an explanation of the bid, if you mislead you opponents the TD will deduct 2 tricks from your score.

 During Play:

  • As declarer if you can clearly see the remaining tricks are yours, claim them rather than play on but provide a clear explanation as to your line of play.
  • If you revoke you lose the trick where the revoke occurred and can be penalised accordingly.
  • Try not to take too long to play a card, best practice is to try and play in tempo.
  • You should not touch other players cards, you may ask them to show you.

 After Play:

  • At the end of a board ensure that all players agree on the result before putting the cards away, North is responsible for recording the score fully and accurately and East or West should verify it.
  • if a contract or score need altering , due to an error in entering the result , DO NOT HESITATE to alert the scorer , who will correct the error before you move on to the next board.
  • after the end of a round tap end of round on the tablet but DO NOT tap "show expected players" box on tablet. leave the display information for the director to read
  • When play has finished at your table please keep conversation to a minimum, speak softly, and if moving around please do so quietly until everyone has finished.
  • Please don't spend time debriefing on each hand, keep up the tempo of play.
Bridge conventions

The most important conventions are Stayman, Transfers, Pre-empts and a Slam convention. You only need one of the latter. With just these four you are well prepared to be an above average bridge player. If any members would like to learn these conventions, or extend their understanding of them, players are friendly and will help if possible, tuition can be made available.

Rules about leading out of turn

If the opening lead is out of turn the declarer has the option of accepting the lead. He then becomes the dummy and his partner plays the hand.The following options are also available after any out of turn lead. The innocent player may refuse to accept the lead and the card then becomes a penalty card and placed face up on the table. It must be played at the first opportunity. The innocent player may then require the lead to be from the same suit, or NOT from the same suit,whichever is to his advantage. In this case the penalty card is returned to hand and ceases to be a penalty card.The innocent player may refuse both options and allow any card to be led. In this case the penalty card remains on the table, face up, and is played at the first opportunity.

Rules about revoking

A player may rectify his revoke before the next trick is begun. The offending card becomes a penalty card, is laid faceup and must be played at the first opportunity. No other penalty.

Once the next trick has been played the revoke cannot be rectified and a penalty is imposed at the end of play. If the trick containing the revoke is won by the offender a penalty of one trick is deducted. If the offender wins a subsequent trick a second trick is deducted. If no advantage is gained from the revoke then no penalty is imposed.

The director may impose a further penalty if he considers more advantage had been gained.

Scorer: Mark Dixon
Scorer: Mark Dixon
Scorer: M.Russell & M.Dixon
Scorer: Mark Dixon
Scorer: Mark Dixon
Scorer: Mark Dixon
Scorer: Mary Russell
Scorer: Mary Russell