Purley Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
DVD Library
Missing DVDs

DVD Stocktake

There are 2 DVDs missing:

#1: Play and Defence of 1NT contracts

#9: Signals and Discards

If you find you have either of these, please return them as soon as possible.

DVD Loans

DVDs are now available again for loan


DVD Loans


DVDs can be borrowed following an initial payment of a £5 deposit (please give to any committee member).


DVDs can be borrowed  a. one at a time

                                        b. for one month only

When borrowing a DVD, please write your name in BLOCK CAPITALS on a DVD Loan Card and put the date in the box relating to the number of the DVD.

When returning the DVD, cross out the date in the relevant box.

When you have returned your DVD and require the return of your £5 deposit, please speak to or email Simon Brew.