Release 2.19r
Committee Meetings
Summary of Minutes

30th August 2022

Present: Geoff Davison, Jean McKillop, Frank Nicholson, Jenny Purves

Attendance at Club

Varied between 3 and 6 tables. 31 members have attended; some just once or twice.
Some sessions cancelled. Numbers likely to decline once evenings get dark.

Contact Tytherington Tuesday Group, suggest a trial “joint evening”. GD
(two Tytherington members came to session immediately after committee meeting).


Look into moving to “Club Room”. JM, FN
Charging £4 per person (no premium for visitors). No annual subscription.

Going Forward

Find out if room still available in afternoons JM
If Afternoons available; contact members with proposal that Club Sessions move to an
afternoon 12.30 to 3.30. JP

A.G.M. No decision on when to hold A.G.M.


Meeting closed at 1920


1st September 2021



Geoff Davison

Jean McKillop

Frank Nicholson

Jenny Purves


Janet De Vecchis


Geoff gave a brief account of E.B.U. zoom call about Bridge Clubs re-opening.

Importance given to ventilation, hand sanitising, space between tables and care when moving from one table to another.

Frank reported that, thanks to many members, £420 was collected in response to our request. About £300 of this remains.

Jenny reported that the club has 66 playing members; a few were without playing partners and a few others were unlikely to re-join.

It was agreed that the Hall may be too large for the club’s needs; at least in the short term.

Other possibilities are the lounge or the club room.

Moving to an afternoon, possibly just October to March, may be attractive to more players.

A number of member responses were in favour of an afternoon.

If this was to be an option, Tuesdays seemed the best; considering other clubs' times and with Tuesday already being our day.

It was noted that this would not suit some members.

Jean to find out if an afternoon is possible in the Village Hall.


Jean raised the issue of Bridgemate; intimating that Brian and she were not prepared to go on processing the results from the travellers much longer.

Cathryn Collins is willing to direct and is au fait with the Bridgemate system.

The committee agreed that it was a priority to try to raise enough money to pay for this. The Club’s support for the Hospice only being possible if the Club


The cost for a system with 12 input pads is about £1200.


It was agreed to recommend that the £25 annual subscription for the year from October 2021 go towards the Bridgemate system.


Jean is to contact other Clubs for information about what is needed (believing that we need to use Bridgemate software but perhaps not their input



Operating after restart:

Someone from committee will set out tables at side of room.

Hope that members will set them up (and assist in putting them away).

Players will keep their own bidding box for the entire session.

Players will be required to be double jabbed. Face masks are optional.

Assumption that players will have their own hand sanitisers.

Advertise for members and encourage those who have been getting lessons to give the Club a try.

An option for players without partners would be for them to come along and to pair up with another single. Jean reported that this method had worked at

other clubs. Anyone not getting a game would get their next session free. (The option of a sign-up sheet, created by Cathryn Collins, later became


An email will be sent out to members, once we know what is possible at Village Hall.

Aim to get started on 12 October. Perhaps have a welcome back with some refreshments.

Will review after a few weeks of running; hopefully sufficient numbers turn up to make the Club viable.


Meeting closed at 9.15 pm.


29th October 2019



Geoff Davison, Jean McKillop, Jannie Ashworth, Janet De Vecchis, Frank Nicholson, Jenny Purves, Maureen Walker


Table Money

From October 1 2019, Members £4 Visitors £6, Sim. Pairs Members £7 Visitors £10

It was agreed that visitors needed to be welcomed and not put off by charging too much.


Noise, Etiquette, Slow Play

The Director to remind members to keep noise levels down and to maintain a good pace of play.

The members can read the Clubs policy on Etiquette etc. on our Web Site.

It was felt that a more relaxed, friendly atmosphere at the Club was to be welcomed;

as long as playing etiquette was observed.


Bridge Mate, Electronic Scoring

Janet confirmed this was easy for players to use.

Frank had looked into the likely cost: £2250 for 12 table terminals.

The system has its own radio connections so lack of Wi-Fi at the hall is not a problem.

Options to be explored.


Christmas Party on 17th December

Jean to organise food; to ask others for assistance as required.

Frank to organise wine; assisted by his usual helpers

Jenny to contact Anthea, Lynne and Anne; re tombola.



Maureen has taken cups to be engraved.


Annual Dinner 19th November

15 tickets have been sold.

Jenny to send an email to advertise and try to sell some more tickets on 5th November;

we may look at a different venue in 2020.


Meeting closed at 7.15


11th September 2018


Data Protection work all complete.


Preparation for AGM on 25.9.18 took place and division of secretary’s jobs until November when Jenny Purves takes over from Lesley eg selling of Christmas cards and preparation for annual dinner on 20.11.18.


5th June 2018


We have 99 paying members plus more in the pipeline. However, we are having fewer tables (<12 weekly).

Data Protection Act means that we have work to do on our Data Processing Agreement, Privacy Policy, Club Constitution, Best Behaviour at Bridge, Disciplinary Policy and New Members’ Application Form - to be completed before AGM and put on website.


20th February 2018


The Minutes of the last meeting (AGM) were accepted with one matter arising:

  Lesley to make tickets for members to give to friends for FREE trial bridge with us

(to encourage new membership).


The implications of the Data Protection Regulations which begin on 25th May 2018 were discussed

and Geoff's letter will be emailed/posted to members to ask them to opt in to their data being kept

(subscription form, members' list etc). Lesley has email addresses for 76/91 paying members.

The current list to be kept in Jean's folder and no longer freely available.


Frank reported he had recently sent a cheque to the Hospice for £1,200 and received a thank you letter and certificate.

Some anomaly as the letter says we have given a total of £87,367.44

whereas certificate says £84,367.44 - probably a typing error.


29th August 2017


Discussion about need for new committee members and direct approach as no positive response from Geoff’s general email.

Geoff to check dinner at golf club is possible on 21.11.17.

Discussion re sim pairs.

Financial giving to hospice is down this year - certificate from Hospice dated 25.8.17 states we have have given £83,327.44 to date.

AGM preparation. 


1st November 2016

Numbers are down - 95 people have paid so far, with 61 gift aiding and a few stragglers being chased. 5

members have definitely left - lists to come. Because of this we will not be able to give Hospice so much this

year - nearer £5000. We intend to present Chief Exec with cheque for £2000 at the 25th Annual Dinner at

Prestbury Golf Club on 22.11.16. We have invited other guests including founder member Margaret


Plans for the dinner and Christmas Party on 20.12.16 were discussed - tombola prizes to be requested after

Annual Dinner is over. 

New keys will be distributed to committee members. No bridge on 27 December. 



23rd August 2016



Committee Meeting discussed AGM on 13.9.16 and dinner arrangements for 22.11.16.  The pairs evening


will be on 27.9.16


and food/drink to be discussed nearer the time.  List to be prepared for people to sign at AGM.


We are looking for a new committee member.



26th April 2016



Club has given £75,850 to Hospice over last 25 years. We have 107 members. We are struggling for


tournament directors


as several people have 'retired'. We will play teams bridge on 7 June.  AGM date changed to 13.9.16. The


club's 25th


Anniversary may be marked both by the annual dinner in November (with visitors invited) and a subsidised


bridge seminar


this Autumn.



20th October 2015



Looking for a partner – members to be directed to website facility.


We will have an evening of Team Bridge in March 2016 – members will be asked to sign up with partners the


fortnight/weekbefore and the list will close at 13 tables.


Arrangements are in place for the Annual Dinner (17.11.15) and the Christmas Party (15.12.15). Members


will be asked to contribute to tombola.


We have had 9 people leaving the club this year and so the 9 on the waiting list will be invited to join. Lesley


has not yet heard from 5 members (to be chased).


We will play bridge on 22 December (not 29 Dec).


10th March 2015



Discussion about bridgemate, gift aid, annual dinner, replica trophies and bridge dates around Christmas.


Further £1000 to be sent to Hospice.



25th November 2014



AGM matters arising included Bridgemate proposal to be further investigated + reassurance re public liability insurance in the Hall.

Accounts are positive and a further cheque for £1500 will be given to the Hospice at the Christmas party. Over 60 members gift aided their

subscription with a further enhancement of £375+

Membership – it was agreed that we would let in those last 3 people who were remaining on the waiting list – bringing us to 113 but as the Rowlands are departing shortly the club will then stand at 111 members including its founder, Margaret Broughton. New waiting list to operate!

Roles were assigned re Christmas party and although Annual dinner was considered a success decision taken to investigate possibility of holding it at Adlington Hall in Nov 2015 because moving the tables is so onerous.

We need tombola prizes for party – emails will go out as reminders.

We thank Barbara Rowlands for her work on the committee.

Dates set: AGM = 29.9.15

Annual dinner = 17.11.15

Christmas party = 15.12.15

26th August 2014
We have given at least £6,000 to Hospice this year.
Janet de Vecchis and John Varley have won the Eisenberg Trophy which will be presented to them at the Annual dinner at the Bridge Hotel on 18.11.14.
The AGM is on 30.9.14 - any apologies to Lesley Taylor please.
The tickets for the Annual dinner will be on sale at £20 each from 16.9.14.
Christmas cards in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice will be sold at the club for 3 weeks from 14.10.14.

Next Committee meeting is 25.11.14.


17th June 2014
AGM date has been changed to 30.9.14
We have given an extra £1200 to Hospice, ie they have received £4500 from us so far this ''bridge year" - and we are hoping to donate a total of £6200 which equals 1 day's running costs for the Hospice. This is nearly twice what we have given in the past!
We are averaging 14 tables a week.
We have 110 members and 2 names on the waiting list.
We are looking for new and replacement committee members to join us in September 2014!


14th January 2014

We welcomed our new Chairman Geoff Davison and new committee member Jannie Ashworth.

We now have 106 members. Our constitution states that 110 members and 18 tables are our maximum – which we hope to operate on a first come/first served basis.

We are planning a further seminar with Michael Byrne later in the year.

We have donated £3,300 to the East Cheshire Hospice already this year and the increase in table money and good attendances means that we will be able to donate further money, hopefully bringing our annual donation to around £6,000 by the end of the season.