Prescot Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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17th Aug 2024 15:18 BST
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Message from the Secretary

Please contact the secretary if you need a partner



Welcome to Prescot Bridge Club


Welcome to Prescot  Bridge Club



Founded in 1950 the Club runs 24 to 28 board Duplicate Bridge Competitions from 7pm to 10pm each Wednesday evening at Lee Park Golf Club.  The results, including details of how others bid and played the hands are published on this website later that same evening.

We are a friendly Club and are particularly concerned to ensure that anyone new to Competition Duplicate Bridge feels welcome and at ease.  Post-mortem discussions on hands played and uninvited comments on partner’s bidding or play during the competition are discouraged.  

We are keen to attract new members.  If you have a partner, come along and join us at 6.50pm for play commencing at 7pm; If you don’t have a partner, contact the Secretary who will find you a partner; if you would like to learn to play Bridge contact the Tournament Director who will guide you through options. Help and tips for 'improvers' can be found in the short guide (Acol Bidding) here in the left hand menu.



Message from the T.D.

PLEASE be seated

by 6.50 p.m.

Mon 23rd September 2024
Duplicate Bridge (Handicapped)
Director: Mike Guinney
Scorer: Mike Guinney
Mon 30th September 2024
Duplicate Bridge (Handicapped)
Director: Mike Guinney
Scorer: Mike Guinney
Wed 9th October 2024
Duplicate Bridge
Director: Mike Guinney
Scorer: Mike Guinney
Duplicate Bridge
Director: Mike Guinney
Scorer: Mike Guinney
Duplicate Bridge
Director: Mike Guinney
Scorer: Mike Guinney
Duplicate Bridge (Handicapped)
Director: Mike Guinney
Scorer: Mike Guinney