Release 2.19q
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Competition Rules
Only club members are eligible to win the competitions
Awarded to the pair with the highest average percentage over the club year subject to a minimum of 20 attendances. The winning pair is eligible neither for the Aggregate Cup nor the Slams Cup.

Aggregate points are awarded to the first four pairs in each direction in a Mitchell movement (4,3,2,1) and to the first four pairs in a Howell. The Aggregate Cup is awarded to the pair that accumulates the largest number of Aggregate Points over the club year. Winners are ineligible for the Slams Cup.

Awarded to the pair with the highest average slams points (two points for a grand slam, one for a small slam) subject to a minimum of 20 attendances.

The Handicap Cup competition is a single duplicate session normally played using a Howell movement. Pairs are handicapped on the basis of their average percentage scores for the current club year subject to a minimum of six attendances. Those who cannot be given a handicap in this way may still play in the competition, but they will be given a handicap that is equal to the highest handicap in the field. Both players in a pair must be club members.
This is only a summary of the rules. A complete set of rules can be obtained from either the Secretary or the Tournament Director.