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News 2015 and earlier

This page contains news items that appeared on the home page during 2015 and earlier. They are listed in reverse date order - most recent first.

Oxford Junior Bridge Club Competition 22nd Nov 2015
Oxford Junior Bridge Club Competition 22nd Nov 2015

The average age of the Oxford Bridge Club attendee was lowered dramatically on the afternoon of Sunday 22nd November when thirty children, aged 8 – 18 years descended upon the balloon decorated premises generating laughter and good will. See more photos (all taken by David Bygott) and read Holly Kilpatrick's report Oxford Junior Bridge Club Competition report.

Judicial Review - Is Bridge a Sport?

As you may be aware this week saw the Judicial Review take place to consider Sport England's position that bridge is not a sport.

The hearing concluded on Wednesday.  To read the press release which summarises the EBU's position and some of the points which were raised click here - Press release - Judicial Review of Bridge as a Sport.

Simpson's Trophy Winners

Congratulations to Carol Benzie and Lorraine Jones and John Cecil and Peter Stephenson!

BridgeWebs Maintenance

Please note that BridgeWebs will be doing essential maintenance on the club website.  As a result, you will be unable to access the OBC website from 22:00 hours on Wednesday 29th July to 06:00 hours on Thursday 30th July.  If you want to check your results for the John or Doreen Simpson Trophies, you can still log in and access your results on Pianola, since that operates via a different site.  The results should appear on our club website once Marion has had a chance to upload them; hopefully on Thursday afternoon 30th.

Winnie Ling trophy

Congratulations to Claire MacDonagh and Peter Sherry, winners of the Winnie Ling Trophy by a large margin.  Runners-up were Diana Nettleton and Dave Dobson, fractionally ahead of Cathy Rowland and Christopher Whitehouse.

Older News

Morrie Marsh Trophy
The contest for the Morrie Marsh trophy for novice pairs was held on 15th April. Congratulations to Rosemary Young and Joan Bailes who won the trophy this year.

Beck Salver
The annual club pairs championship was held on Sunday 7th April this year. Congratulations to Denis & Kathy Talbot, who won by a considerable margin. Krys Kazmierczak & Sandra Nicholson came 2nd, followed closely by Cathy Rowland & Aleksandar Lishkov. Well done to all!

National Pairs Finals
The EBU National Pairs finals are being held on the weekend of 13th/14th April. We wish good luck to Denis & Kathy Talbot, and Rob Dixon & James Anderson, both pairs competing in the A Final.

The Lunch Bunch
OBC would like to introduce a new social bridge event - ‘The Lunch Bunch’ hoped to become a monthly event. On Wednesday 6th March between 10.30 and 15.00 why not drop by for coffee, bridge, lunch and more bridge! The bridge will be Chicago style and there will be a host so no partner required. Lunch this time will be Moroccan Roast Belly Pork with Roasted Winter Vegetables and Couscous. The cost is £6 for members, £8 for visitors. Advance booking essential to Dorothy Myers. If you want to know more, speak to any of Dorothy Myers, Pat Lewis, Mavis Burley or Sue Smith.

Competition Entries
Signup sheets are now up in the hallway for the Winnie Ling (Mixed Pairs) Trophy. The Winnie Ling is on Thursday 14th February, consists of 24 boards and costs the usual table money of £3.50 per player. Also, watch out for sign up sheets coming soon for the Individual Competition (10th March) and postponed Beck Salver - Open Pairs (7th April).

A message from Cliff Pavelin, who leads our sterling team of dealers:
We are always looking for people to join the dealing team – we now need to deal (using our duplimator machine) around 30 cases a month, so it is quite a job.   The commitment need not be large – you would have to come to the club for one period of two or three hours once a month.   You would be allocated a particular week but within that you could choose any time convenient to you..   It's best if you are a bit of a ‘techy’, fairly confident using computers and related equipment.  You could work alone, or in twos (in which case one would deal, the other would print and do everything else).  Obviously you will get full training although I can’t pretend that the skills thus acquired will improve your general career prospects.

Decisive votes at the EGM
There were clear decisions at the EGM held on 28th November 2012 on two important areas which will make a significant difference to the future of the club.  
Premises refurbishment
Firstly, the meeting voted overwhelmingly in favour of the two resolutions on the premises (80 to 4 and 82 to 2 respectively).  This means that the club will build to the planning permission received early in 2012. The next steps on this project will start straight away.  During the meeting, two requests for member feedback on financing options were outlined. Click here to see the message from the Treasurer asking for
your initial views to be submitted by the end of December.  
In addition, members were asked for suggestions and information about alternative accommodation while the clubhouse is closed.  Click here
to see another message about this help needed.
Based on member feedback, the MC will consider what changes (if any) to table money and subscriptions should be made at its meeting in January 2013.
Changes to membership
Secondly, the proposed changes to membership arrangements were also overwhelmingly approved.  Associate Membership will return to its original purpose; and a new category of subscription called Full Daytime Member will be added.  Associate Members who have been playing regularly at full duplicate sessions will be offered the chance to convert to either Full or Full Daytime Membership early in 2013. New guidance about the sessions that we run based on the summary document circulated at the EGM will also be published early in 2013.
Note on Email Communication with members
Running a club with more than 350 members with purely voluntary effort is a challenge for your committee.  As a consequence we will be using email for many communications.  If you do have an email address, please register it with the club.
When an officer sends an email to all members, we will also post a printed copy of the same message on the notice board.  For those not receiving emails, you are advised to regularly review this section of the notice board – look for the fluorescent yellow header in the front hall at the club.

EGM – 6.00pm on Wed 28th November
Following the consultation meetings during the week of 22nd October, the Management Committee met to discuss all the input and feedback.  Some alterations to the approach were agreed.  The club has now sent notices to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of Oxford Bridge Club to be held on Wednesday 28th November 2012 at 6.00pm in the club at 147 Banbury Road.  The detailed agenda is here and the supporting brochure is here.  The detailed documents describing our planning permission planning can be found here.

All members are entitled to attend and vote at this meeting.  Please come to participate in these important decisions for the club.

We expect that the meeting will extend into the time when bridge is normally played.  We also hope that those who would not normally play on a Wednesday evening will be coming along.  As a consequence the normal club session is suspended.

After the formal proceedings are complete, we will serve a complimentary glass of wine and some nibbles while we rearrange the tables and chairs for playing bridge. We will then have an informal evening of duplicate bridge for everyone who wants to play in whatever time remains before the normal finishing time of 10.30pm.  No table money will be charged and the session will be hosted so you do not have to arrange a partner.

Member Consultation
During the week of 22nd to 26th October we held a short consultation before each bridge session.  This was to outline the committee’s thoughts on the areas of the Premises and Membership and get comments and questions.  A leaflet was distributed with details. If you were unable to participate or have further comments to bring to the attention of the committee, please send them by email to club@oxfordbridgeclub.com.  All comments received by 2nd Nov will be considered by the committee at a meeting on 5th November. Further information can be found here.

The likely outcome of this committee meeting will be to call an Extraordinary General Meeting to provide final detail on these matters and vote on the proposals.  The planned date for the EGM is Wednesday 28th November 2012 at 6.00pm.  All members are entitled to vote at this meeting – and to clarify in answer to questions - this definitely includes Associate Members.

Membership records to be held on Pianola
The club has decided to manage the membership records of the club using some software called Pianola.  We have changed from using a series of spreadsheets in the hands of multiple officers, to using a single piece of software.  This is more convenient and more secure.  We will introduce its capabilities gradually and further details can be found here.

For the time being we have a single message - The club is trying to move most of its communications to be electronic - this means less of a load on the club officers and more timely communication for members provided we hold a current email address for you.  So when you get an email from the club via Pianola, please don’t unsubscribe.  If you do this, your email address is removed from the database, and as a consequence you won’t get any further messages.
Pianola has extra information for you – for example, if you login you can see your personal results analysed for you in different ways. You are recommended to try it out.

The club has signed up to a new bridge website called Pianola, which has a more detailed results analysis for the individual player. At the moment we are trialling the program, but we plan soon to move over fully, and the results calendar will come directly from Pianola. All club members with email should have received an invitation to sign up - please make sure you have done so as soon as possible before we migrate fully onto the Pianola system.
You can log in here.

Oxford Café Bridge
After a successful event last year (won by OBC members Stuart & Maxine Henry), Cafe Bridge is returning to Oxford on Wednesday 24th October 2012. Come and play duplicate bridge in various venues along the High. Entries by 10th October please; entry form here.

Meltzer Trophy
The sign-up sheet is now up for the 2012/13 Meltzer Trophy. This is the club’s annual Knock-Out Rubber Bridge tournament. Matches are played privately (or at the club). In the words of one committee member “it’s enormous fun” so why not find a partner and sign up? Closing date for entries is October 24th. Entry £5 per pair.

What a weekend!
Huge congratulations are due to club members Cathy Rowland and Aleksandar Lishkov for the weekend of 29th/30th September where they not only won the Swiss Pairs event in Guildford, but then proceeded to win the Swiss Teams event in Hertfordshire the next day! A rare feat and thoroughly well deserved.
NICKO 2012-13
Pairs who would like to represent Oxford Bridge Club in the 2012-13 National Inter-Club Knock Out
Children In Need Week at OBC

The week of November 9th - 13th is Children In Need week.  We will be selling cake at each session and holding a raffle which will be drawn on Friday night.  Join in the fun please!

John Simpson and Doreen Simpson Trophies
John Simpson and Doreen Simpson Trophies

Congratulations to David Tuohy and Mike Scott-Tennant, winners of the John Simpson Trophy; and to Humaira Erfan-Ahmed and Sue Smith, winners of the Doreen Simpson Trophy.

The photo shows the presentation by members of John and Doreen's family.

EBU's Young Player of the Year

Congratulations to OBC member Freddie Illingworth who was named the English Bridge Union's Young Player of the Year.  Well done Freddie.

Wessex League interim report

Division 1            
The A team have made a disappointing start to the season.  They had a good first half against Oxford B, but fell behind in the second half, losing by 3-17.  In their match against Menagerie B they were edged out in all four quarters of the match, losing by 6-14. The C team lost 6-14 to Wallingford A – a respectable result against strong opposition. Oxford B, C & A are currently lying 1st, 5th & 6th respectively in the division.

Division 2            
The D team, promoted two seasons running, found stiffer competition in division 2.  A poor first half against Wantage A saw them 40 IMPs down at half time.  They did much better to draw the second half, resulting in a final deficit of 40 IMPs and a VPs score of 4-16.  They are currently propping up the division.

Division 4            
The E team enjoyed greater success against Frilford  B.  Well down at half time, they staged a second half comeback to finish on level terms at 10-10. The F team lost their first match by 4-16, against Aylesbury Vale; but defeated Bicester B by 16-4.  It is not many years since Oxford D lost to Bicester C – illustrating a significant change of fortunes. Oxford F & E are currently lying 2nd & 3rd respectively in the division.

Division 5            
The G team recorded an excellent win over Abingdon C, by 18-2; and another over Wallingford D by 12-8. The newly created H team were disappointed to lose narrowly 9-11 to Wallingford D.  However, considering that this was the first match for most of the team – and that Wallingford D were in the same division as Oxford D only two seasons ago – this was a very encouraging start to their campaign. Oxford G are lying 2nd in the division, with Oxford H lying 4th out of 7 teams.

Richard Sills, Acting Match Secretary

OBC to apply to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation

I am pleased to let you know that at the EGM held on 15th January 2014, members resolved that the club would apply to the Charity Commission to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.  One change was made to the draft proposed OBC CIO Constitution after a proposal from the floor to increase the quorum for a general meeting from twenty to thirty members. 

This main resolution involved making a constitutional change under the current governing document of the OBC and thus required 75% of members present to support the resolution - the resolution was approved nem con.  The club has thus committed itself to becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation subject to approval of the Charity Commission.  When such approval is granted there will be a further general meeting of members to formally adopt the new OBC CIO Constitution and the accompanying OBC CIO Articles of Association, and to elect a new set of Trustees and Officers under the revised governing documents.

Some background details on CIOs can be found in our December 2013 Newsletter.

John Fleming, Secretary

Match Report

Match update
Having been filling in as Acting Match Secretary for the past few months, I am delighted to say that James Anderson has agreed to be co-opted to the post.  As my swansong, here’s an update of the state of play at the end of January 2014.

We entered four teams of four in the National Inter-Club Knockout competition.  The A, B & C teams all won their 1st round matches and got a bye through the 2nd round.  The C team won their 3rd round match vs West Midlands; the others have yet to play.  The D team lost in the 1st round proper, then lost in the 1st round of the Plate competition.

Wessex League
Division 1 is very tight, with few points separating Oxford B in 2nd place, Oxford C (3rd) and Oxford A (6th).  Congratulations to the C team on a splendid 18-2 win over Menagerie A!

Oxford D team lie 6th in division 2, with survival in this division depending on results in the last two matches – both against Summertown teams.

Oxford E lie comfortably in mid-table in division 4, with Oxford F in 7th place, at risk of relegation.

Oxford G lie 3rd in division 5, narrowly out of contention for promotion.  Oxford H have performed with credit in their first season, lying in 4th place, just ahead of three teams with longer Wessex League experience.

Any members who’d like to consider playing for a team next season are welcome to approach James Anderson – or Claire MacDonagh, who looks after the teams in divisions 4 & 5.

Richard Sills

Oxford Bridge Club CIO

Following the EGM held on 15th January 2014, a formal application by the club to form a charity was submitted to the Charity Commission.  The application has been approved and the Oxford Bridge Club CIO has now been registered as charity number 1155820.  CIO is short for Charitable Incorporated Organisation – this is a relatively new type of charity that incorporates characteristics similar to a limited liability company including the ability to own property.

The committee is now working on the next stages:  making ready to transfer the assets and everyday operation of the club to the Trustees of the OBC CIO.  The transfer will be completed when we have a general meeting of members when amongst other things we will hold elections for all the roles in the club. 

Under the CIO regime, the management of the club will be in the hands of Trustees.  Trustees are members who are either directly elected as Trustees or those who become Trustees as a result of being elected to certain Officer posts of the club.

More news will follow as we develop the details.  

John Fleming, Secretary

Individual Competition

The club's Individual Competition for the Thompson Trophy was held on the afternoon of Sunday 9th March.  Congratulations to Krys Kazmierczak who won the event; second was Christina Hardyment; Robert Gasser and Claire MacDonagh tied for third place.

County Pairs Success

OBC members had great success in the OBA County Pairs Final played on Sunday 30th March.

Congratulations to the winners Cathy Rowland and Aleksander Lishkov.  There were 4 pairs from OBC in the first 6 places.  Dave Dobson and Brian Wright were 3rd, Lisa Furnival and Nigel Birks were 5th and Claire MacDonagh and Brenda MacDonagh were 6th.

Click here for the full results.

Changes to Tuesday County night activities

Whilst OBC plays no part in running the activities that take place at 147 Banbury Road on Tuesday evenings, some members do attend some of these sessions.  The county organisation (OBA) have announced changes which take effect from 1st May 2014.  The details may be found on the OBA website by clicking here.  The sessions all start at 7.15pm.

Newsletter and nomination papers for the AGM

It's time to nominate members for election at the AGM.  We have published a Newsletter (2014-1) which provides some background information about the transition of the club to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.  

The nomination form with explanatory notes is also now available and explains how we will elect our trustees at the AGM.  Please take time to consider how you can help to run the club during the coming year.

The AGM will take place on Wednesday 21st May 2014 starting at 6.00pm.  The job of the secretary will be easier if nominations are received by 4th May but this does not preclude other nominations right up to the meeting itself.

Beck Salver/Club Pairs Event now on 11th May

The club pairs competition for the Beck Salver will now be played on Sunday 11th May.  Please sign up at the club or email the Tournament Secretary to book your place. All members of the club are eligible to play.

2014 Accounts

The club accounts have now been completed and examined.  They will be presented to members at the AGM on 21 May 2014. You can see a copy of the accounts by clicking here.  And you can see a copy of the Communal fund statement by clicking here.

NICKO update

Congratulations to the Oxford C team (Nigel Birks & Liza Furnival, James Anderson & James Dow) for successfully winning their 5th round NICKO match against Petersfield B. This puts them through to the final 16 teams in the competition, from a field of over 250 teams-- a notable achievement. Best of luck in round 6!

Midsummer Milestones 2014
Midsummer Milestones 2014

The club celebrated significant milestones in its history on Wednesday 25th June 2014.  A party was held to celebrate the transition to become a Charity in the form of Oxford Bridge Club CIO.

Presentations were made to Sandy Constable the president of the members' club,

and to Esme Alden, latterly catering officer.

Both had served the club in many different roles over a very long period.

The Social Committee organised an informal afternoon session followed by a social hour before the normal evening bridge. Richard Sills, the chairman, outlined the history of the club, thanked the many who had brought the club to its present position, and made the presentations . . .


. . . while the members enjoyed the the warm sun and a glass of wine between the sessions.

The formal transition of all club operations to the CIO happens at midnight on 30th June 2014.

Doreen and John Simpson Trophies

Congratulations to Chris Dawe and Peter Briggs, winners of the John Simpson trophy, and to runners-up David Bygott and Steven Bliss.  Congratulations also to Julie Anderson and Geraldine Krall, winners of the Doreen Simpson trophy and to runners-up Wendy Claye and Marion Sheppard.

Seating arrangements

The Laws and Ethics committee recently decided to change the way seating is randomised.  This will make it fairer for all. 

Anyone who, for medical reasons, needs a stationary seat can still inform the director and, where possible, they will be allowed one.  Everyone else will simply take a place where they like.  Before the start of play, the director will draw a random card from a shuffled pack.  If it is an odd black card, all those sitting at odd-numbered tables change direction.  If it is an even black card, all those sitting at even-numbered tables change direction. If it is an odd red card, players at all tables change direction.  If it is an even red card, no one changes. 

Along with this, we will continue to apply the principle that if there is an odd number of tables, there is an EW sit-out and if there is an even number of tables, there is an NS sit-out (there are some exceptions dictated by the movement).

Kathy Talbot (Chief TD)

Bar prices .....

Bar prices have not been increased for several years (certainly not since I became Treasurer in 2009) but costs continue to rise.  The profit on bar sales has fallen dramatically in the last year, and as a fundraising activity of the charity, we are required to ensure we make a reasonable return on this activity.  I am sorry to have to tell you, therefore, that prices will increase on Wednesday 1st October 2014.  A new price list will be posted behind the bar, but you can also see the new prices by clicking HERE.

Chris Kerr (Treasurer OBC-CIO)

Macmillan coffee morning

The Social Committee organised a Macmillan coffee morning on Friday 26th September 2014 in conjunction with the morning session.  Members enjoyed the bridge . . .  


and the cakes.


Members contributed generously during the event. The club donated the table money from the session.  The event raised a total of £700 for Macmillan Cancer Support.  Many thanks to Pat Lewis and her team.

John Fleming, Secretary

Children in Need THANK YOU OBC CIO

We had a MOST successful week raisIng money for Children in Need.  The raffle was a spectacular array of varied items all donated by Club members and at most sessions during the week the Social committee provided cake for members.  We raised a grand total of £1160.00 for Children in Need and that is all thanks to the enormous generosity of the committee and ALL our Members who so generously supported us. Our donation is the second highest donation on ecatsbridge at the moment!

Final accounts of members' club

The final accounts for the three months to 30 June 2014 of the old members' club are now available to view.  They will be presented to the final general meeting of old OBC next Wednesday, 17 December.

To view a copy, click HERE.

Christmas at OBC

You enjoyed or missed ‘Christmas Drinks and bridge’ at our Christmas event this year on Wednesday 10th December.

We enjoyed a short entertainment by Harmony Inspires (Barbershop chorus) Ladies Accapella Chorus and mulled wine provided by Pat Lewis and her team.


Update on Premises Refurbishment

Your premises committee has reviewed all the tasks that have to be completed before any building work on the premises can start.  The major items are: completing the conversion of the club to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation; receipt of an affordable quote for the work to be done; ensuring financing is in place; the availability of a temporary location that can be used for club operation while 147 Banbury Road is closed; and a builder ready to start work.

The result of this review is that the earliest date at which building will start is now 14th July 2014.  A further update will be available after the next scheduled Management Meeting on 14th April 2014.  The AGM of the club will be on Wednesday 21st May 2014 at 6.00pm.

Christmas Party 2015

Play in the afternoon session

 1NT - What happens next?

Oxford Harmony sings . . .

. . .  to an appreciative audience

Then the raffle is drawn.

Successful Summertown Cafe Event!

We had a very successful day and the amount raised for the Rosy charity will be published in the near future.  The two winners were Juliet Johnson and Claire McGlashan as North/South and Kevin and Ruth Carter as East/West.  They each received a bottle of Champagne and a very generous voucher from The Oxford Kitchen for their seven course taster menu!

Many thanks also to Pat Lewis for organising a succesful and enjoyable event!

Summertown Café Event Update 2015

We made £1200 for the Rosy charity which was a fantastic result!  Thank you again to the Social Committee and to the support we received from those who played. We hope to present a cheque to Rosy within the next few weeks.