Release 2.19r
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Partner finding service

Please contact John Dolamore


New Directing Rules
(Red is specific to the Noverre)  EBU Announcing Rules

1. No eating at the table, biscuits excluded for both online and F2F

2. Opening 1C where the suit could be less than 4 should be announced as "could be as short as 1,2 or 3"
NB Could be as short as 0 is alerted

3. If a bid has extra meaning then it must be announced/alerted

a) When playing weak NT, 5 card majors - if your bid could include a 5 card major or a 6 card minor- Announce

b) When playing 2 over 1, 2C or 1NT over a 1H/S as they  contain extra/unexpected meaning -c  - -  Announce

c) When playing Strong Diamond CRO 1C-2C is game forcing as well as showing a club suit

Jump overcalls need to be announced as they could be either weak, intermediate or strong in the same way as opening 2H/S bids

5.If a bid is not Alerted - Do NOT ask if it is natural - This will be regarded as potentially Unauthorised Information (UI) and will not be looked upon kindly by the Director

Reminder 1 : You can only ask about a bid if you are intending to bid yourself
NB if you ask and subsequently pass you will be in danger of passing UI to your partner which could lead to penalisation

Reminder 2: Dummy should not interfere with play either verbally or non verbally

GDPR Statement

Statement is in News Page

Directors Corner Oops F2F
Common Mistakes

               This is all about common mistakes that are made at the table usually by accident
                and how they are dealt with by the director.
NB Click on red underlined options to see details

               NB If a mistake is made then always call the director 
               rather than try and sort it out amongst yourselves.


               Common Mistakes
              These fall into 3 broad categories as below


               Bidding “Oops”

  1. I did not see that bid before I put mine down
  2. Partner’s forgotten the system again
  3. Did I just bid that?
  4. I hope no one wants to see my hand afterwards
  5. I thought it was my turn to bid


                Playing “Oops”

  1. Where did that card come from, I thought I was out of them
  2. I thought that I won the last trick
  3. I was sure that they were the Declarer
  4. Cards just fall out of my hands sometimes
  5. I did not mean to play that card
  6. Wasn’t it my turn to play


                 Scoring “Oops”

  1. Those results don’t look right, is this the same board?
  2. I thought we had doubled?


               And Finally
             The Dreaded Unauthorised Information

               Which turns up almost whenever anything goes wrong

               and often when things do not appear to be going wrong