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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
12 October 2020
NCBA Committee Meeting Minutes – Monday 12th October 2020

NCBA Committee Meeting Minutes – Monday 12th October 2020

Present: Mark Goddard (Chair & County Captain, MG), Ian Dovey (Treasurer, ID), Keith Spencer (County TD, KS), Shirley Ashtari (SA), Brian Brooks (BB), Chris Frost (CF), Mel Shepherd (MS)

Apologies: None

  1. MG welcomed the newly elected NCBA committee and thanked them for their willingness to contribute.
  2. The minutes of the previous committee meeting, (19th August 2020). There were no comments or matters arising.

The AGM minutes will be formally presented to the members for acceptance at the next AGM.

  1. Finances.

ID reported that the County were receiving income each month due to the Wednesday evening drives run by KS.

The most recent statement (5th October 2020) showed a balance of £5798.

NatWest have recently announced a scheme to enable organisations such as NCBA to have on-line banking facilities. The Treasurer is pursuing this matter.

It was agreed that going forward, the Treasurer, KS and SA should be NCBA account signatories.

ACTIONS: ID to enable move to on-line banking and amend names of authorised signatories.

  1. NCBA Affiliated Clubs, (Finances).

MG raised the issue of NCBA having funds available for affiliated clubs. In particular, he pointed out that when face-to-face bridge resumes clubs may have significant expenses to ensure suitable precautions are in place.

CF made the point that is important the clubs are aware that NCBA are willing to receive requests for assistance. This was unanimously agreed.

  1. NCBA Affiliated Clubs, (Communications).

MG proposed that NCBA (via the Chair) meet on a periodic basis with the Chairs of affiliated to clubs discuss the status quo and what the clubs would like from NCBA. The widespread use of Zoom has made this a viable event.

It was proposed to try and connect with NCBA members by producing another newsletter. The consensus was that the newsletter should be as brief as possible but highlight points of interest within the County. SA agreed to draft the first attempt to communicate in this way.

ACTIONS: MG to propose date for Zoom meeting with club Chairs. SA to produce newsletter.

  1. Non-affiliated Clubs.

BB asked about NCBA contact with non-affiliated clubs in the county. KS pointed out there was a list of some of these clubs on the website. He pointed out that there were other non-affiliated clubs that specifically wanted no contact with NCBA. The number of non-affiliated clubs in the county far exceeds the number of affiliated ones.

MG suggested NCBA should have some communication with non-affiliated clubs with a view to discussing the benefits of joining the EBU.

It was agreed to postpone discussion of this item to a later date.

  1. NCBA Competitions (2020-2021).
  1. ID (with assistance from John Edwards of Woodborough BC) is looking to initiate a Swiss Teams-of-Four competition. It was agreed that this should fall under the NCBA umbrella. There would be no charge for entries and all UMS/P2P costs would be met by NCBA.
  2. KS is to fix a date for the Priday Cup and advertise this to the clubs/members. This is a one-off pairs event for players with an NGS rating of 9 or less.
  3. KS will investigate the possibility of holding an Individual competition.
  4. It was agreed that it would be futile to hold the traditional NCBA Xmas party with no face-to-face bridge possible.
  5. Other NCBA events, (for example - Journal Cup, Mixed Pairs) would be discussed at the next committee meeting.

ACTIONS: KS to advertise Priday Cup competition. KS to advise committee of viability of an Individual competition. ID to formulate Teams-of-Four competition.

  1. County Matches.

The Midland Counties League has restarted on BBO. MG reported that Notts were able to field teams in the Dawes, Porter and Markham. He added that he has received more expressions of availability for the next fixture, (including some of the best players in the County, not currently playing online), which is a positive start to the season.

MG, in his role as County Captain, will select the Teams, (with emphasis on the A and B teams), with assistance from SA and BB.

  1. Tollemache.

The EBU have announced details of the 2020-21 Tollemache, (Inter-County Competition taking place over the weekend of 21st and 22nd of November). The committee agreed that Notts should enter the event, and MG is to select the team.

ACTION: Awaiting entry form from EBU, MG to select team/squad and Treasurer to submit entry.

  1. MCWG, (Midland Counties Working Group).

MG asked for a volunteer to represent NCBA on the MCWG. MCWG currently meet fortnightly via Zoom.

SA agreed to attend the next scheduled MCWG meeting. The situation to be assessed by the committee thereafter, (BB advised that he may be able to assist).

ACTION: MG to advise SA of date/time of next meeting.

  1. Other Business.
  1. KS volunteered to check his diary and (if possible) to attend the EBU AGM as NCBA representative.
  2. There is an EBU Zoom meeting scheduled for Tuesday 20th October about getting more players and clubs to play online. ID offered to attend on behalf of NCBA.
  3. Date of next committee meeting – Monday January 11th, 2021 @ 5p.m., (online)