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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held,
Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 5 pm via ZOOM.


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Release 2.19q
Warwickshire (away) 14/09/2014

Report by John Auld

The compensation for travelling to Solihull tp play one of the strongest county teams is that you play at one of the best venues. 

Our travellers were:

Dawes: Graham Lee and Gordon Fullerton; Ian Dovey and Shirley Ashtaryi; Keith Rodgers and Lloyd Eagling; John and Irene Auld

Porter: Bill Whalley and Pravin Tailor; John Rolph and Bernard Moore; Ray Furlonger and Nick Clarke; Chris and Dorothy Close

Markham: Mike and Daphne Coggles; Janet Jacques and June Marron; Fay Staton and Diane Abbot; Shiona Dawson and John Woolmer

There were lots of hands to reward good bidding judgement-not really shown enough by either team-including two Michaels cue bid hands which arrived together. Consider first board 22:

I think that partner had a difficult choice as West. She did not like bidding unaided to the five level particularly with singleton honours suggesting defence. She might have doubled (for one off)  but I would not have bid as East notwithstanding the evident double fit. At first glance 5 makes but a second look reveals that West cannot reach dummy for the heart finesse. However consider the defence if West declares 5 ; inevitably the  A would be led followed by a spade. Now South has to make a lead to keep declarer out of dummy. If after an agonised appraisal he tries a small club West may well play low to win on table. The only effective continuation is Q♣ to lock declare in hand. Things did not always work that way of course and some 650s were registered.

The real virtue of bidding 5  was perhaps revealed at tables where North South (including Lloyd and Keith) took out insurance in 6 and lost 300.

West had another nice heart club hand on board 21:

I am ashamed to say that I was one of many Easts to bid a lazy 4  . How to evaluate this hand opposite a heart club two suiter? Ten points and four card heart support? Hardly-absolutely enormous is more like it. Distributional hands are all about fit and Aces. Replacing the Aces with KQs increases the points but reduces the tricks by two so counting points is not relevant. The correct response to 2♠  depends on system but starting with a 3♠  cue is reasonable. A good  method to employ is that 2N always shows some values and West then bids her minor on a minimum else shows a good hand via 3 (implying clubs) or 3♠ (implying diamonds). Whatever the approach 6  should be easy.

Another big hand reflecting the vital Ace factor was board 14:

Our opponents did well here with North showing a club shortage and South taking control. Again the South hand is enormous rather than just 13 points etc. Regrettably not many pairs found the slam.

We lost the Dawes (6-14) and the Markham (1-19) but honour was saved by the Porter team who recovered over 100 imps in the final set to win 16-4. They included Bill Whalley making a welcome return to county bridge, playing with new partner Pravin Tailor. Bill and Pravin were the best pair according to the Butler imps.