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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
Two Counties 2010 Event (2)
The second of three Thursdays saw Notts take a lead overall but not in the First division. Gambit slipped back to second after a series of misjudgements and misfortunes. Board 15 was a bit of both:

Gambits lady player when given a choice of routes generally takes the high road. On this hand her 4C bid  looks impeccable but it did not work well. I raised to 5C as part of the Search Me system I find myself playing so often, when as it happens the opponents  might have had trouble bidding spades had I passed.West showed a surer touch  with his club lead. The Ace of spades lead for example lets 5C through, but the trump lead followed by a well judged duck of the Queen of hearts gave declarer no chance.

This defence may well have earned Derbyshire a swing against 5C making but we will never know. At the other table South started low with 1C and after 1S-2H-2S bid 3S to steer partner into a cold 3N. Maybe that was a little fortunate but South would have finished in 5C if East had bounced to 3S as is so popular these days.