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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
Individual Competition 2012

On board 9 Willie as East defended 4S on a heart lead. (The bidding on these deals may not be as shown but the final contracts are correct). Declarer now cashed a top spade and Willie helpfully dropped the jack. This may seem like a restricted choice guess but not if you allow for the deceptive play. South finessed the spade and suffered a club ruff to follow.

Board 12 was a nice dummy play:

Willie got a spade lead and cross ruffed black cards without touching trumps. Now he exited with a heart and the miracle happened- North had to concede a ruff and discard and the contract. (South has to lead a trump or less plausibly a small heart to defeat 5D). It is a shame that this board was not scored up with Crook junior because Daniel made 6C as North.