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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
6 December 2017

Nottingham Contract Bridge Association

Minutes of the Meeting Held on 6th December 2017

Note that David Adams (Keyworth) and Shiona Dawson (West Bridgford) joined the committee at 8.00 pm to put forward their case for funding.The outcome of this part of the meeting is outlined at the end of the minutes.

1.     Apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were received Toni Smith, Keith Rodgers, Ian Dovey, Irene Auld, Gordon Fullerton (arrived at 7.45.)

2.     Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the committee meeting held on 6th September 2017 were approved. 

3.     Matters arising. 

The issue of electronic scoring in the teams of four summer league was not decided at the last meeting.  The committee decided that the rules for both the teams of four league and the teams of eightleague should be amended to say that both captains should agree for this to take place. 

4.     Chairman’s report. 

John thanked Toni and Clare for arranging the clubs conference.

5.     Treasurer’s report. 

No general statement on the current expenditure had been made.  Clare had received information about the play to pay.

6.     County Director

It was confirmed that Keith Spencer will take over from Tim Anderson as the county TD.

7.     Received Correspondence (Clare Batten)

A letter from South Notts consortium had been received asking for financial support (see note below).  The EBU had asked us to confirm the pay to play rate for next year.  Clare had forward this request to the treasurer who had stated he did not think we needed to increase the amount.  The committee agreed to not changing the county pay to play component.

8.     Teams of Four

Keith Spencerdiscussed the organisation of this event for next year.  It was agreed that the leagues would be organised differently next year.  There would be two leagues.  One league for general players and a second separate social league where all but one member (a mentor) would have to have an NGS of 8 or below.  This would mean that we would probably have one division in the main league.

9.     Teams of Eight

Jane Hall has agreed to take over from Chris Clark for next year and will start to liaise with him over the organisation.

10.    County Captain’s Report

In Keith Rodgers’ absence, John Auld reported that the county had done well in the Tollermache with John and Irene getting the highest place in the cross imps scoring.  However the county teams were not doing so well in the Midland Counties league, particularly the third team.

11.   Special Events

Graham Brindley stated that the Mixed Pairs event had run recently and had made a slight loss, if you factor in the cost of paying for the winners to play in the Midlands Mixed Pairs event.  The knock out teams of four will take place at the end of January.  Keith Spencer will not be able to direct, due to a previous commitment.

12.    Clubs Conference

A full report of the conference will be given at the next committee meeting. John Auld outlined the main points he thought had come out of the conference.  The possibility of using different venues for county events had been mentioned.  John wondered whether a county simultaneous event could be run.  He also felt we needed a Press/Publicity officer.   It was decided to discuss matters further at our next meeting.

13.    AOB

The need for public liability insurance had been raised by a county member.  If we are covered by the venue’s insurance then we do not need to take out our own policy.  Some county take out a policy that the EBU recommend clubs use.  Graham Brindley is to find out whether we are covered by the bridge clubs liability insurance.

The viability of the university bridge club was raised it was noticed that their web site had not been updated for some time.  Clare Batten will write to Hanna Tuus. The next meeting will be 7th February.

Presentation by the South Notts consortium (Keyworth, West Bridgford, East Bridgford and Phoenix clubs)

Shiona Dawson (West Bridgford) and David Adams (Keyworth) outlined the case for this consortium to be given funding.  They had in their original submission to the committee asked for £500, to cover any shortfallif the proposed teaching schemedid not run.  They showed the committee posters they had printed, outlining two open days that were planned.  They went through the details of how they intended to run the EBU fast track bridge course, initially at Plumtree Memorial Hall.  They explained that there was no beginners lessons going on in their area and many people did not want to travel to Nottingham for lessons.  They had one teacher lined up to do the EBED teachers course.  They hoped to be able to use any money they made from the course to fund future courses.

The committee congratulated the consortium on the planning of scheme and all the hard work that had gone into it.

The committee,in their discussion on this request, had decided to initially give £200 and appoint Graham Brindley (committee member and EDEB trained teacher) to work with the group.  This was on the understanding that he could come back to the committee if he felt that more money was needed at a later stage. 

However a problem arose because, just prior to the start of the presentation, Gordon Fullerton had arrived late for the meeting.  He stated that he had not seen the emails sent regarding the funding and he had a different proposal.  He wanted the clubs to be given a loan of £500 and once the lessons were run the consortium could pay the loan back.  He outlined this to Shiona and David.  However it was pointed out to Gordon that this proposal had not been agreed by the rest of the committee and so could not be agreed at the meeting.  John Auld explained to David and Shiona that he had hoped to agree the funding at the meeting but was unable to do so because of this complication.

 David and Shiona were mildly disappointed at the committee’s initial offer of £200 because it fell short of the amount they had asked for.  John explained that the idea of a loan had not been agreed by all the committee members so he would have email the absent committee members explaining the proposal put forward by Gordon to get the views of the whole committee.  John said he   would be in contact with the consortium at a later date.

Subsequent to the meeting the committee decided to offer the consortium a grant of up to £400 (Graham Brindley agreed to support the consortium and monitor the spending of the grant). It was felt that there were too many complications involved in setting up a loan and a grant of a larger sum makes the project viable.