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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
Previous Winners
  Anniversary Salver

 2011  Paul Wokes, Dave Pettengell, John Brocklehurst, Michael Grant from Lincolnshire
 2010  Graham Brindley, Richard Kowalski, Keith Rodgers, Ellen Overton
 2009  Irene Auld, John Auld, Lloyd Eagling,Keith Rodgers
 2008  Jackie Parsons, Christine Timmons, Ellen Overton, Evelyn Granger
 2007  A Marshall, Brian Chamberlain, John Auld, Irene Auld
 2006  Gordon Fullerton, Graham Lee, Eric Nunn, Frank Ball
 2005  B Stockdale, S Stockdale, H Cairns, G Shaw
 2004  M Armstrong, L Sayer, J Downing, L Johnstone from Warwickshire
 2003  M Armstrong, N McWhirter, J Downing, R Trounce from Warwickshire
 2002  Gordon Fullerton, Clive, Kaye, Eric Nunn, WT Whalley
 2001  PA Norris, RH Northgate, AM Ayres, M Goukd from Leicester
 2000  Terry Lynex, A Price, David Burgess, Joan Burgess
 1998  WT Whalley, Mrs J Ford, Gordon Fullerton, Eric Nunn
 1997  WT Whalley, Mrs J Ford, Gordon Fullerton, Eric Nunn
 1996  A Chandler, Mrs S Smith, P Dodson, Mrs B Lee from Derby
 1995  Robert Alexander, Clive Sunshine, D Hayes, S Whalley
 1994  Joan Burgess, David Burgess, Terry Lynex, A Price
 1993  M Towlson, J E Husk, GS Ripley, Miss CT Johnson
 1992  Joan Burgess, David Burgess, Terry Lynex, Gordon Fullerton
 1991  Lucey Shillito, G Senior,  Irene Auld, John Auld
 1990  D Wilson, D Hind, RP Ball, LA Jackson from North Humberside
 1989  D Wilson, D Hind, E.H Pudsey, C Graburn from Yorkshire
 1988  Lucey Shillito, G Senior, RCS & Mrs Turner
 1987  D Wilson, D Hind, J D Colley, IA Cook from Hull

24 March 1937 to 24 March 1987

Invitation Teams of Four

  Evelyn E Black Cup

 2017  Irene Auld and John Auld
 2016  Irene Auld and John Auld
 2015  Shirley Ashtari and Ian Dovey
 2014  Irene Auld and John Auld
 2013  Irene Auld and John Auld
 2012  Irene Auld and John Auld
 2011  Ellen Overton and Lloyd Eagling
 2010  Irene Auld and John Auld
 2009  Mrs I. Auld and J. Auld
 2008  Mrs I. Auld and J. Auld
 2007  Mrs P. Mantle and W. Crook
 2006  Mrs I. Auld and J. Auld
 2005  Mrs P. Mantle and W. Crook
 2004  Mrs P. Mantle and W. Crook
 2003  Mrs I. Auld and J. Auld
 2002  Mrs J. Burgess and D. Burgess
 2001  Mrs I. Auld and J. Auld
 2000  Mrs I. Auld and J. Auld
 1999  Mrs I. Auld and J. Auld
 1998  Mrs J. Ford and W. Whalley
 1997  Mrs I. Auld and J. Auld
 1996  Mrs J. Burgess and D. Burgess
 1995  Mrs L. Shillito and G. Senior
 1994  Mrs G. McCormick and D. Kenwood
 1993  Mrs I. Auld and W.T. Whalley
 1992  Mrs G. McCormick and D. Kenwood
 1991  Mrs G. McCormick and W. Crook
 1990  Mrs G. McCormick and W. Crook
 1989  Mrs L. Shillito and C. Ward
 1988  Mrs C.M. McCormick and W.P. Crook
 1987  Mrs L. Shillito and C. Ward
 1986  E.J. Fisher and Mrs C.A. Fisher
 1985  M.H. Horton and Mrs S.J. Horton
 1984  M.H. Horton and Mrs S.J. Horton
 1983  M.H. Horton and Mrs S.J. Horton
 1982  D.A. Burgess and Mrs J. Burgess  
 1981  M.H. Horton and Mrs S.J. Horton
 1980  Dr A.P. Sowter and Mrs S.J. Sowter
 1979  W.P. Crook and Mrs S.M. Slatter
 1978  Mrs A.H. Ash and M. Ash
 1977  Dr A.P. Sowter and Mrs S.J. Sowter
 1976  J.S. Auld and Mrs I. Auld
 1975  M. Godfrey and E.H. Nunn
 1973  C. Ward and Mrs L. Shillito
 1972  Mr M. Leafe and Mrs M. Leafe
 1971  Mr H.L. Bamkin and Mrs H.L. Bamkin
 1970  Mr H.L. Bamkin and Mrs H.L. Bamkin
 1969  Mrs C. Sowter and Dr A.R. Sowter
 1968  Mrs L. Shillito and Dr J. Twomey
 1967  Miss I. Bamkin and H.E. Bamkin
 1966  Miss A.C. Dixon and W.G. Rose
 1965  Mrs D. Hopewell and C. Ward
 1964  Mrs D.M. Hopewell and C. Ward
 1963  Mrs A.C. Dixon and W.G.Rose
 1962 Mrs L. Shillito and J.H.C. Godfrey

This is a mixed pairs competitions held on County Nights. Other pairs may play, but do not qualify for the trophies.
The pair with the best 5 scores out of the 9 sessions is awarded the CUP.

  Champion Teams of Four

Presented by V.C.Hemsley Esq


2022 - 2023  Keith Spencer & Michael Bleaney, Richard Page & Martin Passant
2021 - 2022  
2020 - 2021  
2019 - 2020  Sandy Fulton & John Rolph, Lloyd Eagling & Stan Zygadlo, Irene & John Auld
2018 - 2019  Willie Crook, Ankush Khandelwal, Rob Sharpe, Steve Raine & Tony Sowter
2017 - 2018  Willie Crook , Ankush Khandelwal, Rob Sharpe & Graham Kirby
2016 - 2017  I.Auld, J.Auld, P.Tailor, W.Whalley
2015 - 2016  W.Crook, S.Fulton, M.Goddard, D.Hodge, R.Sharpe, G.Kirby
2014 - 2015  W.Crook, S.Fulton, M.Goddard, D.Hodge, R.Sharpe, G.Kirby
2013 - 2014  W.Crook, S.Fulton, M.Goddard, D.Hodge, R.Sharpe
2012 - 2013  W.Crook, S. Fulton, M.Goddard, D.Hodge, R.Sharpe
2011 - 2012  I.Auld, J.Auld, L.Eagling, K.Rodgers
2010 - 2011  G.F.Fullerton, D.Burgess, F.Ball, D.Hodge
2009 - 2010  W.Crook, S.Fulton, R.Sharpe, A.P.Sowter, G.Kirby, A.Kitson
2008 - 2009  W.P.Crook, A.P.Sowter, T.McNiff, G.Foster, G.Kirby, R.W.Sharpe
2007 - 2008  I.Auld, J.Auld, L.Eagling, K.Rodgers
2006 - 2007  I.Auld, J.Auld, L.Eagling, K.Rodgers
2005 - 2006  W.P.Crook, M.Goddard, G.T.Kirby, R.W.Sharpe, A.P.Sowter
2004 - 2005  W.P.Crook, G.T.Kirby, R.W.Sharpe, A.P.Sowter
2003 - 2004  R.Northage, B.Chamberlain, D.Fletcher, A.MArshall
2002 - 2003  W.P.Crook, G.T.Kirby, R.W.Sharpe, A.P.Sowter
2001 - 2002  W.P.Crook, G.T.Kirby, R.W.Sharpe, A.P.Sowter
2000 - 2001  W.P.Crook, G.T.Kirby, T.McNiff, Mrs S.Senior, R.W.Sharpe
1999 - 2000  F.G.Ball, D.A.Burgess, G.H.Fullerton, E.H.Nunn
1998 - 1999  Mrs L.Shillito, G.Senior, M.Caporn, Mrs I.Auld, J.Auld
1997 - 1998  Mrs L.Shillito, G.Senior, M.Caporn, Mrs I.Auld, J.Auld
1996 - 1997  R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, G.T.Kirby, A.P.Sowter, Mrs D.Senior
1995 - 1996  W.P.Crook, G.T.Kirby, R.W.Sharpe, A.P.Sowter, B.Senior, Mrs Senior
1994 - 1995  R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, G.T.Kirby, A.P.Sowter, R.Smolski
1993 - 1994  R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, R.Smolski, A.P.Sowter
1992 - 1993  R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, G.T.Kirby, A.P.Sowter, Mrs L.Wood
1991 - 1992  R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, A.E.Kison, M.H.Horton, G.T.Kirby, B.Senior
1990 - 1991  G.Senior, Mrs L.Shillito, J.Auld, Mrs I.Auld
1989 - 1990  R.W.Sharpe, M.A.Horton, Mrs J.Horton, W.P.Crook, A.E.Kitson
1988 - 1989  R.W.Sharpe, M.H.Horton, Mrs S.J.Horton, W.P.Crook, A.E.Kitson, M.F.Walsh
1987 - 1988  R.W.Sharpe, M.H.Horton, Mrs S.J.Horton, W.P.Crook, A.E.Kitson, M.F.Walsh
1986 - 1987  R.W.Sharpe, M.F.Walsh, W.P.Crook, M.H.Horton, A.E.Kitson, Mrs S.J.Horton
1985 - 1986  A.P.Sowter, R..Sharpe, W.P.Crook, M.H.Horton, A.Kitson, Mrs S.J.Horton
1984 - 1985  A.P.Sowter, R..Sharpe, W.P.Crook, M.H.Horton, A.Kitson, Mrs S.J.Horton
1983 - 1984  A.J.Daughton, M.McGee, C.Kaye, Mrs S.J.Horton, C.J.Morley, M.H.Horton
1982 - 1983  A.P.Sowter, A.R.Forrester, W.P.Crook, M.H.Horton, R.Smolski, Mrs S.J.Horton
1981 - 1982  G.Senior, Mrs L.Shillito, J.Auld, Mrs I.Auld
1980 - 1981  A.P. Sowter, R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, M.H.Horton, R.Smolski
1979 - 1980  E.J.Fisher, M.P.Mellor, W.T.Whally, Mrs A.Ash
1978 - 1979  A.P.Sowter, R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, M.F.Walsh, M.H.Horton
1977 - 1978  A.P.Sowter, R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, M.F.Walsh, S.J.Sowter, M.Ash
1976 - 1977  A.P.Sowter, R.W.Sharpe, W.P.Crook, M.F.Walsh, S.J.Sowter
1975 - 1976  A.P. Sowter, R.W. Sharpe, W.P. Crook, M.F. Walsh
1974 - 1975  A.J. Daughton, C.J. Morley, T.W. Wansworth, C. Ward
1973 - 1974  A.P.Sowter, W.E.C.Hughes, C.Ward, T.W.Mansworth, C.J.Morley, J.A.Daughton
1972 - 1973  A.P.Sowter, W.E.C.Hughes, C.Ward, T.W.Mansworth, K.Jeffrey
1971 - 1972  C.Ward, C.J.Morley, E.C.Powell, T.W.Mansworth, J.R.L.Thompson
1970 - 1971  C.Ward, C.J.Morley, E.C.Powell, T.W.Mansworth
1969 - 1970  C.Ward, C.J.Morley, E.C.Powell, T.W.Mansworth
1968 - 1969  M.Leaf, J.Morris, R.Lipman, E.Brown, J.Braman
1967 - 1968  C.Ward, C.J.Morley,P.Heywood, D.Andrew, Miss A.C.Dixon, W.C.Rose
1966 - 1967  H.L.Bamkin, Mrs I.Bamkin, E.Abrams, E.Edleson
1965 - 1966  C.Ward, R.F.Bland, R.D.F.Bland, D.G.F.Bland
1964 - 1965  H.A. Carter, J. Morris, Mrs S Rivett, M. Leaf, J.T. Pearce, E. Allen
1963 - 1964  E.Nunn, T.O.B.Kelly, R.J.Thurman, W.Glover, Mrs M.MacDonald, E.Edelson
1962 - 1963  C.Ward, Mrs D.Hopewell, P.Heywood, W.E. Lee, J.S.Daniel
1961 - 1962  J.H.C.Godfrey, Mrs M.Godfrey, W.D.Thompson, Mrs P.Thompson
1960 - 1961  J.R.L.Thompson, N.Horsley, J. Lander, Mrs M.Preston, Mrs L.Shillito
1959 - 1960  N.R.C. Firth, Mrs D. Hopewell, C.Ward, R.F.Bland
1958 - 1959  W.H.Hinton, Mrs W.Hinton, H.A.Carter, A.J.Boothroyd
1957 - 1958  N.R.C. Firth, Mrs D. Hopewell, C.Ward, R.F. Bland
1956 - 1957  N.Horsley, Mrs N.Horsley, Mrs A.M.Burns, Mrs M.Preston, J.Hamond, R.L.Pocock
1955 - 1956  N.R.C. Firth, Mrs D. Hopewell, C.Ward, Miss D. Kleuser, M. Radford
1954 - 1955  R.D.F.Bland, C.R.Iliff, R.F.Bland, C.L.Haddon, B.Rogers, D.G.F.Bland
1953 - 1954  H.A.Carter, A.J.Boothroyd, J.Lander, Mrs E.S.Holland, Mrs W.Dobson
1952 - 1953  R.D.F.Bland, C.L.Haddon, B.Rogers, B.S.Rasmussen
1951 - 1952  N.R.C. Firth, Mrs D.M.Hopewell, P.Heywood, P.C.Cullen
1950 - 1951  R.D.F.Bland,Mrs M Godfrey, B.Rogers, J.Chapmsn
1949 - 1950  D.S.Robinson, J.H.C.Godfrey, C.L.Haddon, V.C.Hemsley
1948 - 1949  A.E.Ball, Mrs O.M.White, W.H.Hinton, Mrs W.H.Hinton
1947 - 1948  A.E.Ball, Mrs O.M.White, W.H.Hinton, Mrs W.H.Hinton
1946 - 1947  D.S.Robinson, J.R.C.Godfrey, C.L.Haddon, V.C.Hemsley

Champion Teams of Four

  Chapman Godfrey Bowl

 2022  No Event
 2021  No Event
 2020  No Event
 2019  No Event
 2018  No Event
 2017  Irene Auld, John Auld, Lloyd Eagling, Keith Rodgers
 2016  Amanda Sowter, John Sowter, John Gould, Alastair McCance
 2015  R Gembicki, A Hughes, D Musson, F Littlewood
 2014  Irene Auld, John Auld, Lloyd Eagling, Keith Rodgers
 2013  David Hodge, Mark Goddard, P Russell, J Haslegrave
 2012  Irene Auld, John Auld, Lloyd Eagling, Keith Rodgers
 2011  Cedric Cockcroft, Roman Gembicki, Don Smedley and John Griffin. 

Green Point Teams

  Tom H Farr Cup


 2017  William Crook and Steve Raine
 2016  Steve Raine and Ankush Khandelwal
 2015  Gordon Fulleton and David Burgess
 2014   S. Kowalski and R. Kujawinski
 2013  Keith Rodgers and Lloyd Eagling
 2012  Daniel Crook and William Crook
 2011  David Burgess and Gordon Fullerton
 2010  Daniel Crook and William Crook
 2009  W.P. Crook and D. Crook
 2008  W.P. Crook and R.W. Sharpe
 2007  J. Auld and C. Kay
 2006  G.F. Fullerton and D. Burgess
 2005  L.Eagling and K. Rodgers
 2004  J. Auld and C. Kay
 2003  G. Fullerton and D. Burgess
 2002  W.P. Crook and A. Neale
 2001  G. Fullerton and D. Burgess
 2000  W.P. Crook and E.J. Fisher
 1999  Mrs I. Auld and Mrs L. Shillito
 1998  G. Fullerton and D. Burgess
 1997  J. Auld and M. Caporn
 1996  E.J. Fisher and W.P. Crook
 1995  F. Ball and E.H. Nunn
 1994  F. Ball and E.H. Nunn
 1993  D. Kenwood and D. Kaye
 1992  W.P. Crook and S. Knowles
 1991  W.P. Crook and R.W. Sharpe
 1990  D. Burgess and G. Fullerton
 1989  D.L. Roberts and D. Kenwood
 1988  W.P. Crook and G. Senior
 1987  R.W. Sharpe and J.S. Auld
 1986  D.L. Roberts and D. Kenward
 1985  W.P. Crook and M.H. Horton
 1984  J.S. Auld and G. Senior
 1983  Dr G. Fullerton and Prof D. Burgess
 1982  W.P. Crook and R. Smolski
 1981  W.P. Crook and M.H. Horton
 1980  R.W. Sharpe and R. Smolski
 1979  R.W. Sharpe and R. Smolski
 1978  J.Braman and E. Edelson
 1977  M.F. Walsh and R.W. Sharpe
 1976  J.A. Daughton and C.J. Morley
 1975  M.F. Walsh and R.W. Sharpe
 1974  W.P. Crook and K. Jeffery
 1973  M. Hamblin and J. Udris
 1972  W.E.C. Hughes and Dr A.P. Sowter
 1971  E.C. Powell and W.E.G. Winter
 1970  C.Ward and E.C. Powell
 1969  C.Ward and C.J. Morley
 1968  C.Ward and C.J. Morley
 1967  W.G. Rose and R.D.F. Bland
 1966  W.G. Rose and G. Ward
 1965  W.G. Rose and G. Ward

Similar Pairs Best 4 scores from 9

  Journal Cup

 2023  Janusz Adamowicz and Roman Gembicki
 2022  Steve Mulligan and Martin Button
 2021  Sandy Fulton and John Rolph
 2020  Mark Goddard and Patrick Gaudart
 2019  Lloyd Eagling and Stan Zygadlo
 2018  Rob Sharpe and William Crook
 2017  Sandy Fulton and Bernard Moore
 2016  Keith Rodgers and Lloyd Eagling
 2015  Mark Goddard & David Hodge
 2014  William Crook & Sandy Fulton
 2013  Graham Lee & Frank Ball
 2012  David Burgess & Gordon Fullerton
 2011  William Crook & Sandy Fulton
 2010  Mrs D.Coggles & M.Coggles
 2009  Keith Rodgers & LLoyd Eagling
 2008  W.P.Crook & A.P.Sowter
 2007  G.Fullerton & D.Burges
 2006  David Burgess & Gordon Fullerton
 2005  Ray Furlonger & Phil Dale
 2004  A.P.Sowter & W.P.Crook
 2003  A.P.Sowter & W.P.Crook
 2002  John Auld & Irene Auld
 2001  Irene Auld & John Auld
 2000  M.Starkings & D.Happer
 1999  W.P.Crook & R.W.Sharpe
 1998  W.P.Crook & R.W.Sharpe
 1997  Richard.J.Kowalski & Stan Kujawinski
 1996  R.W.Sharpe & W.P.Crook
 1995  R.W.Sharpe & W.P.Crook
 1994  R.W.Sharpe & W.P.Crook
 1993  David Burges & Gordon Fullerton
 1992  M.Starkings & Mrs M.Starkings
 1991  John Guy & Dr R.V.Boyd
 1990  B.Liddy & J.A.Daughton
 1989  Mrs J.V.Wightman & S.J.Stokes
 1988  D.Roberts & D.Kenward
 1987  M.H.Horton & Mrs S.J.Horton
 1986  R.W.Sharpe & W.P.Crook
 1985  C.J.Morley& J.A.Daughton
 1984  G.H.Fullerton & D.A.Burgess
 1983  C.J.Morley & J.A.Daughton
 1982  Mrs S.J.Horton & B.Senior
 1981  R.Smolski & W.P.Crook
 1980  G.Senior & Mrs A.Long
 1979  M.H.Magee & C.Kaye
 1978  Mrs S.J.Sowter & A.P.Sowter
 1977  R.McEwan & M.H.Horton
 1976  Dr M.Hamblin & W.Niccol
 1975  K.Jeffrey & W.P.Crook
 1974  G.Senior & C.Kaye
 1973   K.Jeffrey & W.P.Crook
 1972  M.E.Brown
 1971  W.E.G.Winter & J.A.Daughton
 1970  W.E.G.Winter & J.A.Daughton
 1969  C.J.Morley & C.Ward
 1968  H.L.Bamkin & Mrs H.L.Bamkin
 1967  A.P.Sowter & J.Cooper
 1966  R.F.Bland & C.Ward
 1964  Miss J.M.Akers & J.Alexander
 1963  Miss J.M.Akers & J.Alexander
 1962  R.D.F.Bland & G.J.Garratt
 1961  W.E.Lee & P.Heywood
 1960  S.Goodhand & R.J.Thurman
 1959  Mrs M.Preston & Mrs L.Shillito
 1958  R.D.F.Bland & Mrs J.Garratt
 1957  Mrs G.S.Whitehead & Miss A.C.Dixon
 1956  N.R.C.Frith & Mrs D.M.Hopewell
 1955  N.R.C.Frith & Mrs D.M.Hopewell
 1954  Mrs Whitehead & Miss A.C.Dixon
 1953  W.H.Hinton & Max Radford
 1952  C.L.Haddon & B.S.Rasmussen
 1951  N.R.C.Frith & Mrs D.M.Hopewell
 1950  C.L.Haddon & J.T.Chapam

County Pair Champions
The first 3 pairs may represent Nottinghamshire in the Corwen Trophy.

  Mixed Pairs

Royal Insurance Mixed Pairs Competition


 2022  Julia Staniforth and Roger Stock
 2021  Joint winners:Toni Smith and Pravin Tailor /
 Julia Stanforth and Roger Stock
 2020  Jane Hall & Richard Page
 2019  Chris Close and Dorothy Close
 2018  Stan Zygadlo and Ellen Overton
 2017  Shirley Ashtari & Richard Milne
 2016  Barbara Hatfield & Phil Ottewell
 2015  Wendy Walker & Lloyd Eagling
 2014  Shirley Ashtari & Ian Dovey
 2013  John Auld & Irene Auld
 2012  John Auld & Irene Auld
 2011  Martin Mellor and Carol Fisher
 2010  John Auld & Irene Auld
 2009  Wendy Walker & L Sargent
 2008  John Auld & Irene Auld
 2007  John Auld & Irene Auld
 2006  Fay Kirk & Clive Kaye
 2005  Joyce Severn & Phil Wood
 2004  John Auld & Irene Auld
 2003  John Auld & Irene Auld
 2002  Dr A Fulton & J Ford
 2001  Eric Nunn & E S Smith
 2000  John Auld & Irene Auld
 1999  W & Mrs B Bucknall
 1998  Gordon Fullerton & Angela Fullerton
 1997  B Mrs L Bagley
 1996  G Senior & L Shillto
 1995  W & Mrs B Bucknall
 1994  David & Joan Burguess
 1992  *
 1991  A Hogg & Mrs M Starkings
 1990  Dennis Mellor & Carole Rushforth
 1988  Sally Horton & Steve Knowles
 1987  Mrs M D Jones & K Robinson
 1986  Mr & Mrs JR Gerrard
 1985  Gordon Fullerton & Angela Fullerton

NCBA Mixed Pair Champions

  Presidents Cup

Cup presented by A. C. Cullen ESQ


 2017 / 2018  Lloyd Eagling
 2016 / 2017  Steve Raine
 2015 / 2016  William Crook
 2014 / 2015  Richard Kowalski
 2013 / 2014  Graham Lee and Ian Dovey
 2012 / 2013  Lloyd Eagling and Keith Rodgers
 2011 / 2012  David Burgess
 2010 / 2011  Gordon Fullerton and David Burgess
 2009 / 2010  John Auld
 2008 / 2009  Lloyd Eagling
 2007 / 2008  John Auld
 2006 / 2007  Clive Kaye
 2005 / 2006  John Auld
 2004 / 2005  Clive Kaye
 2003 / 2004  William P Crook
 2002 / 2003  William P Crook
 2001 / 2002  Lloyd Eagling
 2000 / 2001  Davidi Burgess
 1999 / 2000  E J Fisher
 1998 / 1999  William P Crook
 1997 / 1998  W T Whalley
 1996 / 1997  William P Crook
 1995 / 1996  William P Crook
 1994 / 1995  Gordon Fullerton, D Burgess
 1993 / 1994  Gordon Fullerton
 1992 / 1993  William P Crook
 1991 / 1992  William P Crook
 1990 / 1991  D Kenward , Clive Kaye
 1989 / 1990  William P Crook
 1988 / 1989  Gordon Fullerton
 1987 / 1988  D L Roberts
 1986 / 1987  William P Crook
 1985 / 1986  William P Crook
 1984 / 1985  William P Crook
 1983 / 1984  Mark H Horton
 1982 / 1983  R W Sharpe
 1981 / 1982  Mrs Sally J Horton
 1980 / 1981  Mark H Horton
 1979 / 1980  Mark H Horton
 1978 / 1979  M F Walsh, R W Sharpe
 1977 / 1978  C Morley, A Daughton
 1976 / 1977  Clive Kaye, G Senior
 1975 / 1976  Dr A P Sowter
 1974 / 1975  Dr A P Sowter
 1973 / 1974  Dr A P Sowter
 1972 / 1973  C Ward
 1971 / 1972  Dr A P Sowter, W E C Hughes
 1970 / 1971  C J Morley
 1969 / 1970  T W Mansworth
 1968 / 1969  C Ward, C J Morley
 1967 / 1968  C Ward
 1966 / 1967  R D F Bland
 1965 / 1966  R D F Bland
 1964 / 1965  R D F Bland
 1963 / 1964  C Ward
 1962 / 1963  R D F Bland
 1961 / 1962  J H C Godfrey
 1960 / 1961  P Heywood
 1959 / 1960  N R C Frith
 1958 / 1959  D G F Bland
 1957 / 1958  R D F Bland
 1956 / 1957  Mrs M Godfrey, J H C Godfrey
 1955 / 1956  C Ward
 1954 / 1955  Mrs M Godfrey
 1953 / 1954  Mrs D M Hopewell, N R C Frith
 1952 / 1953  Mrs D M Hopewell
 1951 / 1952  R D F Bland
 1950 / 1951  C L Haddon, C L Haddon
 1949 / 1950  C L Haddon, R D F Bland
 1948 / 1949  D G F Bland, Mrs D M Hopewell
 1947 / 1948  L Westell, N R C Frith
 1946 / 1947  L Westell, L Westell
 1945 / 1946  C L Haddon, C L Haddon

The PRESIDENTS CUP events are pairs events with the usual pairs (match-point) scoring.
The CUP is awarded to the player with the best 6 scores out of the 10 sessions.

  Priday Cup

 2022  Dan Zimsek and Paul Wicks
 2020  Colin Horsburgh and Gerard McCormack
 2019  David Nattress and Robert Bernard
 2018  Liz Rothwell and Bernard Plumb
 2017  Barbara Pilbin and Pat Bevis
 2016  Stephen Southorn and Brian Nowell
  The format was changed in 2016
 2013  David Burgess
 2012  Gordon Fullerton
 2011  John Auld
 2010  Graham Lee
 2009  Irene Auld
 2008  Clive Kaye
 2007  Clive Kaye
 2006  Clive Kaye
 2005  John Auld
 2004  John Auld
 2003  Clive Kaye
 2002  Gordon Fullerton
 2001  Eric Nunn
 2000  Gordon Fullerton
 1999  Gordon Fullerton
 1998  Eric Nunn
 1997  R Bonnello, G Fullerton and W T Whalley
 1996  Gordon Fullerton and David Burgess
 1995  William Crook
 1994  A Coleman
 1993  William Crook
 1992  David Burgess
 1991  R W Sharpe
 1990  David Burgess
 1989  David Burgess
 1988  Gordon Fullerton
 1987  D L Roberts
 1986  E J Fisher
 1985  E J Fisher and D Kenward

The aim is to hold a friendly supportive ‘ No Fear’ yet competitive event for people of a similar standard of NGS 8 or below.

  Robin Hood Trophy


Green Point Pairs

 2019  Janusz Adamowicz and Roman Gembicki
 2018  Ankush Khandelwal and Ben Green 
 2017  Ankush Khandelwal And Graham Kirby
 2016  Carolyn Fisher and Pat Watson
 2015  Dan Crofts and Gary Hyett
 2014  Daniel Crook and William Crook
 2013  Janusz Adamowski and Roman Gembicki.
 2012  Dan Crofts and Gary Hyett
 2011  Roman Gembicki and Alex Hogg
  Schools Trophy
 1988  Nottingham High School
 1986  Queen Marys School Walsall
 1985  Queen Marys School Walsall
 1984  West Bridgford
 1982  Lancaster Boys School
 1981  West Bridgford

Heat Winners of Daily Mail Schools Cup
Started in 1966. 
In 1992 became the British Schools Cup, sponsed by Bridge Magazine

Nottinghan High School won in 2008.