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NCBA Committee Meeting

The next County Committee Meeting will be held on 
Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 4.30pm via ZOOM.

Release 2.19r
Leicestershire (home) 20/06/2010
Notts v Leicestershire 20th June 2010

Match Result: Dawes Lost 8-12   Porter  Won 17-3   Markham   Lost  4-16

Our second match of the 2010/2011 season again saw some unfamiliar partnerships at work in the Dawes team.

Dawes, John and Irene Auld; Graham Brindley and Graham Lee; Keith Rodgers and Gordon Fullerton.; Willie Crook and Lloyd Eagling

Porter, Ellen Overton and Jackie Parsons;Dorothy and Chris Close; Daphne and Mike Coggles; Chris Clark and Barbara Hatfield

Markham, Peter and Margaret Savage;. Phil Dale and Ray Furlonger. David Landon and Frank Turton; Janet Jacques and Will Irving.

Last season started with a series of welcome and unexpected wins. This season is starting with some not so welcome narrow losses for the Dawes team. In any close match there is one catastrophic board which the losing side blames for the outcome. For Notts that was board 22 :

East generally opened 1S and everywhere lurched  slamwards. Norths were all aware of the Lightner double concept whereby double requests an unusual lead often with a void. However one Notts North took the view that a club lead would not necessarily improve prospects and passed 6S. No club lead and some careful declarer play led to -1430.North can take comfort from the fact that in theory East/West could run to a making 6NT.

Things were different when I was East. North, Dick Pathan, doubled unhesitatingly and his partner put a club on the table before I had written down the contract. Unfortunately I have to confess that said  contract was 7S so two off for -500 meant 18 imps away.

By contrast board 28 was a good one for Notts but reflected poorly on the four East/West pairs in the Dawes team:

West opened 1C and on three occasions rebid NTs leading to a hopeless 3NT instead of an excellent 6C. I think that bidding NTs rather than a long minor is overdone at teams, particularly when the long suit is unlikely to run. Nonetheless East/West should be able to identify the heart weakness and head for clubs. One Notts West rebid 1NT (15-17) but misjudged with 3NT over partners 3D bid. Preference to spades or a fourth suit bid of 3H would be more expert.

The only West not to bid NTs was Keith Rodgers who preferred a 3C rebid. That at least got the partnership to 5C for a plus score.

The final scores were 8-12 VPs in the Dawes match, 17-3 in the Porter and 4-16 in the Markham. Mike and Daphne Coggles were the best pair in the victorious Porter team.