Release 2.19q
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New Personal Information on Performance
What does the information mean?

The information set out below in 'Personal Analysis' is an extract for the User Guide (click on ? above Menu) and explains how the information is presented and how the boards need to be switched and how players are to sit in Howell Movements and Hesitation Mitchells to get accurate results from Pairs Events.  If these rules are not followed then your personal results will not be valid.


What do the results mean?  Over a single session they do not tell you a lot as your 'poor performance' as declarer may simply because your partner keeps putting you in the wrong contract!  However, over a period of time if you look to see whether partner consistently scores better than you on their Declarer scores, or when they are on lead, then it suggests that you could improve your overall scores by following their good example!

Sometimes good and bad results simply are affected by the lead and to help players see if they are contributing to their success or misfortune, we are going to enable the Bridgepads to record the opening lead and they will be shown in the results tables on the website. 


We hope that by players understanding better why they got good or bad results it will help everyone to improve their bidding and play.


Personal Analysis

Introduction - Player - Results Analysis

The "Results Analysis" feature has been added as a way of providing some further analysis of how you might have done, depending on whether you are a Declarer or Defender. It is open to interpretation.

Contract Analysis

From the Scorecard, each contract is analysed and an average of the percentages is created depending on whether you were Declarer, Dummy, Lead Defender, Other Defender.

So, if you are North, and played just 3 contracts, boards 11, 14 and 22 as "Declarer" all session

Board Contract By Score IMPs %
11 4S N +1 450 58%
14 3NT N = 400 42%
22 2S N -1 50 32%


These 3 contracts as declarer will be accumulated, such as the one above giving 58% , 42% and 32%, to give you an overall average as declarer of 44%. Your partner's % as Dummy would also be 44% .


Player Played As Boards Played Average
Jim Smith Declarer 3 44%
  Dummy 8 45%
  On Lead 6 26%
  Defender 7 42%


It is only meant as a guide, how many you played and whether you did well in Play or Defence. With this analysis, Bridgewebs cannot determine whether the reason you did well/badly was because you overbid or because you didn't make the tricks you coould have.

With Single Winner arrow switched movements or Howell, there is nothing recorded in the Scoring Software to say which seat you sat in for each board, so Bridgewebs makes assumptions.

The first assumption is that the first player of a pair sits North or East. This is correct if the club use Wireless scoring.


For arrow-switched events, If your club has a standard that the boards must be rotated clockwise, then the analysis will be correct.

Starting North, then West, then back to North etc.
Starting South, then East, then back to South etc.
Starting East, then North, then back to East etc.
Starting West, then South, then back to West etc.

For Hesitation Mitchell, as above, plus

Starting North on Pivot/Hesitation Table, then East, then back to North etc.
Starting South on Pivo/Hesitationt Table, then West, then back to South etc.


For Howell movements, a player will need to be consistent in how they move and sit in one or other position all rounds and not randomly sit when moving. Bridgewebs will show both assumptions.  Please make a note of the seat that you sit in each way. If you play North, then move to North whenever, as a pair, you sit North/South and similarly East/West.

Starting North, then West, then back to North etc.
Starting South, then East, then back to South etc.
Starting East, then North, then back to East etc.
Starting West, then South, then back to West etc.

There are 2 options in WebAdmin - Settings - Scoring, that your Administrator can set,

  1. To not show this analysis at all
  2. To specify which Rotation, usually assumed "Clockwise". If a club doesn't use Wireless Scoring or generally plays Howell movements, then it would be best to use "Player Choice". 

If the setting is "Player Choice" or a Howell movement, then 2 sets of Analysis will show and you can look at the one most applicable to the way you changed seats.

Card Analysis (Release 2.19e)

The card analysis showing is your personal analysis of the Boards you have played rather than the overall deal analysis shown on the "Hand" Tab. So if there are 30 boards and you only played 24, the analaysis will just be of the 24 played, and if the movement is an Arrow Switch or Howell of the seat that you sat in.

The analysis shows:

HCP - Average High Card Points
Balanced - Total of all Balanced hands defined as 4432 or 5332.
Void, Singletons, 2... The total of each suit holding, if you played 24 boards, this should all add up to 96.