Release 2.19r
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Club Regulations for Appeals

Any player(s) wishing to appeal against a tournament director’s ruling should inform the tournament director by the end of the playing session.

If possible the dispute will be dealt with at the end of play by referral to an Appeals Committee consisting of 3 persons of sufficient experience.  At such appeal the tournament director and both parties to the appeal will provide all relevant facts of the hand in question, including the hands, bidding, result and reasons for the appeal.

The decision of the Appeals Committee will be communicated immediately after their deliberations are concluded and will be binding unless either of the parties remains unsatisfied and wish the matter to be referred to the Norfolk County Appeals Committee.

In the event that the matter cannot be dealt with immediately as described above, any player(s) wishing to make a formal appeal (having informed the tournament director) must:

(a)  Inform the club secretary by letter or email and submit evidence for such appeal within a period of 72 hours of the event.

(b) Deposit an amount of £20 with the club secretary or treasurer, which will be returned if the appeal is not considered frivolous by the Appeals Committee appointed to consider the matter.

The club secretary will appoint an Appeals Committee consisting of 3 suitably qualified persons and will provide them with all statements obtained from the parties to the dispute together with a statement from the tournament director.  Such information must include details of the hands, bidding, result and reasons for the appeal.

The decision of the Appeals Committee will be communicated to all parties as soon as their deliberations are complete.

If either of the parties remains unsatisfied they have the right to appeal to the Norfolk Appeals Committee.