The New Melville Bridge Club
Located not far from Edinburgh Zoo
The place to learn and play bridge in Edinburgh
Wednesday Afternoon
Calvert Cup week 2
Tuesday improvers
Tuesday Bronze pairs
F2F Pairs
OnLine MP Pairs
Friday Evening Match-pointed
Thu 26th Sep 2024
F2F XIMP Pairs
Pinkhill 7.00 PM
Director: Stewart
Thu 26th Sep 2024
OnLine XIMP Pairs
BBO 7.00 pm
Director: Damien
Fri 27th Sep 2024
F2F MP Pairs
Pinkhill 7.00pm
Director: Jeff
Mon 30th Sep 2024
F2F MP Pairs
Pinkhill 12.45 pm
Director: Andrew
Mon 30th Sep 2024
OnLine MP Pairs
BBO 7.00 pm
Director: Tom R
Release 2.19r

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