New Glasgow DBC
Release 2.19p
Recent Updates
2nd Apr 2024 16:51 CDT
1st Mar 2024 11:28 AST

Inclement Weather - if schools are cancelled, face to face bridge at the club will be cancelled.

Information will be emailed in the morning.


Latest 75% Plus Game

Herb Watters & Ron O'Brien - Aug 21, 23  76.67%

Herb Watters & Brain Busby - Jan 18, 24  75.04%


Special Games

Novice and Coach

The last Thursday of every month will be a  special game for novice duplicate players with ferer boards and more tme to play.

Novice Duplicate players are paired with more seasoned player to help guide play and answer questions.

It's a relaxed and social afternoon of bridge for those that wnat to improves their skills. 

THe next Novice and Caoch game will be Thursday, April 25, 2024

You do not need to bring a partner.

Truro Duplicate Bridge Special Games

Swiss Teams - Saturday, April 6/24 @1 pm











News Page
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".



ARTICLE 1           Name


1.1     The name of the club will be the New Glasgow Duplicate Bridge Club, hereinafter in this document called the Club. 


ARTICLE 2          Aims and Objectives


2.1     The objectives of the Club are:

i.        to provide a place and the opportunity for playing duplicate bridge in affiliation with and under the rules of the American Contract Bridge League (the ACBL);

ii        to preserve and to stimulate interest in competitive bridge,

iii        to offer opportunities to learn bridge playing skills;

iv       to encourage the highest standards of conduct and ethics and enforce such standards during play; and

v        to promote a pleasant atmosphere for the enjoyment of the game.


ARTICLE 3           Relationship to the ACBL and the Canadian Bridge Federation


3.1     The Club shall operate in affiliation with the ACBL and abide by the rules and regulations established by that organization as they relate to the operation of all bridge games sanctioned by them.  The Club shall cooperate with the Unit and District to which it is assigned by the ACBL and with the CBF.


ARTICLE 4          Membership


4.1     Membership shall be open to any bridge player who ascribes to the aims and objectives of the Club.  An individual becomes a Member in Good Standing (a “Member”) once they have achieved the minimum of five games played in the preceding twelve months and is not currently suspended for any reason.  


4.2     Members are eligible and encouraged to participate in club operations, membership on the Executive or in any other capacity required for the operation of the Club.


4.3     ACBL membership is not a prerequisite to being a Member but is encouraged.


4.4     A Member may be disciplined for unacceptable behaviour such as outlined in the ACBL’s Code of Disciplinary Regulations. Any disciplinary action taken by the Club shall be for cause and the individual involved shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard before such action is taken. (See Article 13).


ARTICLE 5          Rules of Order


5.1     All Club meetings shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order.


ARTICLE 6          Fiscal Year


6.1     The fiscal year of the Club shall be from April 1st to March 31st.


ARTICLE 7          General Meetings


7.1     An Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) shall be held once a year no later than ninety days after the fiscal year end.


7.2     As a minimum, the following business shall be conducted at the AGM: election of Officers to the Executive, presentation of the annual financial statements, presentation of a budget for the coming year and a report from the President.


7.3     Other General Meetings of the membership may be convened by the President or Executive as necessary.


7.4     No business shall be conducted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of twenty members is present at the commencement of business.


7.5     Amendments to By-laws and all motions, at all meetings, shall be decided by a simple majority vote of Members in attendance at the meeting.


7.6     No proxy votes shall be allowed.


7.7     Notice of time and place and the general nature of the business to be transacted shall be posted on the club's web site, posted at all locations where the Club holds bridge games and shall be announced at bridge games at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.


ARTICLE 8          Executive


8.1     The Executive shall consist of President, Past President (for one year following his or her term as president), Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Manager and two Members at Large.        


8.2     No person may hold more than one position on the Executive at a time.


8.3     Each person on the Executive shall be appointed for a two-year term.


8.4     Each person is allowed to serve for two consecutive terms.


8.5     Decisions shall be made by simple majority vote when consensus cannot be reached.


8.6     The Executive is empowered with complete authority to conduct the business of the Club except that policy decisions made at General Meetings may only be changed with approval at a subsequent General Meeting.


8.7     All expenditures shall be authorized by the President or Club Manager or other members of the executive provided such expenditures have been approved by the general membership in the budget at the AGM. 


8.8     Should extraordinary expenses arise that have not received prior budgetary approval, the executive in its sole discretion is allowed to spend up to and including a total of $1,000.00 provided they report this expenditure to the membership at the first meeting of the membership.  No individual non-budgeted item can exceed $300. Such expenditures shall be approved by a meeting of the executive conducted either in person, on the telephone or electronically. 


8.7     Disbursements from Club bank accounts shall require the approval of the Treasurer and one other member of the Executive.


8.8     No business may be conducted at any Executive meeting without a quorum of at least four members including the President or if the President is unavailable, the Vice-President.


8.9     The Executive shall meet at least three times between each AGM and the first such meeting shall be called within 4 weeks of the AGM.


ARTICLE 9          Role of the Executive


9.1     The President shall preside at all General and Executive meetings,

ensure that the policies and procedures of the Club are followed and be accountable for the implementation of the duly passed decisions of the Executive and of the membership.


9.2     The Vice-president shall, during the absence or incapacity of the President, exercise all the responsibilities of the President.  The Vice-President shall also perform additional duties as the President or Executive may designate.


9.3     The Secretary or their designate shall record minutes of all General and Executive meetings. The Secretary shall retain all Club records and forward them to the succeeding Secretary.


9.4     The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate books of account in which shall be recorded all receipts and disbursements of the Club and under the direction of the Executive shall control the deposit of money, the safekeeping of securities and the disbursement of the funds of the Club. The Treasurer shall provide a quarterly financial statement to the Executive and year-end financial statements to the membership at the AGM. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to maintain all financial records and forward them to the succeeding Treasurer. The Treasurer, in conjunction with the Executive and Committee Chairs, shall develop an annual budget for presentation at the AGM.


9.5     The Club Manager shall:  Ensure that the Monthly Reports and payments required by ACBL are submitted on a timely basis; ensure that the masterpoint ratings of all members are updated each month, ensure that the computer is advanced at the beginning of each month; submit correspondence to ACBL on club game matters; submit the application for sanction renewals and special games and the reporting of changes and game results to the ACBL, CBF or other authority organizing such games; ensure that the facility is in good shape; ensure that the kitchen is stocked; assist with new initiatives as appropriate; assist with education programs as needed; take on other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive.



Article 10            Election of Executive


10.1   Two months prior to the AGM, the president shall select a member of the Executive to be Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Chair shall select two other Members who are not presently serving on the Executive to complete the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall meet and prepare a slate of names to be placed in nomination at the AGM for the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Manager and two Members at Large.


10.2   Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the AGM provided each nominee gives consent.


10.3   Any person nominating an individual for a position on the Executive, or any person nominated for position on the Executive, must be a Member in good standing.


10.4   Each Member, excluding the President, is entitled to one vote for each position to be filled.  The President will cast a deciding vote should there be a tie on any vote.


10.5   The nominee receiving the most votes for each position shall be declared elected. 


10.6   Members elected shall take office immediately after the adjournment of the AGM.


10.7   In the event of an office becoming vacant then the Executive shall fill it in such manner as it deems appropriate or leave it vacant. 


Article 11 Committees


11.1   Except as directed by these by-laws the Executive may appoint Chairs of committees to serve during its term of office in order to effect or maintain operation of the Club. This shall happen at their first meeting following the AGM.  The Committees must include but are not limited to:

          - Nominating Committee

          - Discipline Committee

          - Special Events Committee

          - Club Directors Committee

          - Education Committee

          - Marketing Committee

          - Technical Support Committee



11.2   The Chair of each committee will determine how many people should serve on each committee and has the sole responsibility of seeking the members to assist as appropriate. One exception to this is the Club Disciplinary Committee (See Article 13.1)


11.3   The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.



Article 12 Club Directors and Club Director’s Committee


12.1   The Executive shall: ensure Directors adhere to ACBL and Club by-laws, regulations, policies and procedures, establish a list of Directors who may direct Club games, approve the assignment of Directors to direct Club games.


The Club Directors Committee shall: recommend the assignment of Directors to direct Club games, be responsible for the ongoing education of Club Directors, and recommend changes to Club policies and procedures as regards to the running of Club games.


Article 13 Club Discipline Committee


13.1   At its first meeting following the AGM the Executive shall select at least two of its members to sit on the Club Discipline Committee (CDC).


13.2   The CDC shall be responsible for reviewing allegations of unacceptable behavior and deciding what action if any, beyond any penalty assessed by the Director, is required.


13.3   All decisions of the CDC will be reported to the Executive. Any decision made by the CDC which calls for suspension or permanent disbarment of a Member or non-Member must be ratified by the Executive prior to implementation of the suspension or disbarment.


13.4   Any Member or non-Member that is the subject of a disciplinary hearing of the CDC has the right on reasonable notice, to appear before the CDC and be heard.  If the CDC recommends suspension or disbarment then that person also has the right on reasonable notice, to appear before the Executive and be heard prior to the Executive deciding to ratify, alter or vacate any recommendation of the CDC.


13.5   Any person, having received reasonable notice, who chooses not to appear at a hearing before the CDC and/or the Executive has forfeited the right to do so.


13.6   No record pertaining to a disciplinary action shall be made public until the hearing processes provided pursuant to Article 12.4 have been completed.



Article 14  Amendments to the By-laws


14.1   Amendments to the By-laws may be proposed by the Executive or at least ten percent of the Members and submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 30 days before the AGM or any special general meeting called for that purpose. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to incorporate the text of any proposed amendments in the notice of the meeting.


14.2   Amendments become effective upon adoption or at such later date as provided in the amendment.


Article 15  Dissolution


15.1   Upon dissolution of the Club, the assets remaining after payment of any debts and liabilities shall be distributed as determined by the Members in attendance at the General Meeting in which the Club is dissolved.




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Last updated : 23rd Jun 2019 22:07 AST