Newbury Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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County Events & Local Charity Events

If you're interested in what might be going on outside the club go to County Calendar / Events on the menu to find out what events are being run by Berks & Bucks, Hants/ IoW, and the Chiltern League. Also see Local Charity bridge Events.

News 2022
Rubber Bridge F2F Trial at Thatcham Bowls Club Mon 12th Dec

This went very well. There were 7 full tables and people generally enjoyed the bridge and considered the location either good or acceptable apart from the fact that it was a cold night and one heater was not working. There is clearly a demand but we are not sure yet whether Monday evening is the best time. 

Important- Change of Venue

Due to staff shortages Deanwood will no longer be available to us on a Tuesday evening after our session on November 1st 2022.
The Committee have had little time to source a new venue and have come up with very few alternatives. The premises that best fits our requirements appears to be Newbury Rugby Club in Monks Lane RG14 7RW and we have therefore decided that we will resume our Tuesday night F2F there as from November 8th. Lets hope we all find it a success!

Chidwick Cup

Congratulations to Sallie Cheek and Steve Martin who were 7th overall in the Chidwick Cup. To see results go to the Ecats website.(found in useful links below)

Rubber Bridge F2F Thatcham Bowls Club

There will be a trial session of face to face rubber bridge at Thatcham Bowls Club on Monday 12th December.  We hope this may become a regular weekly event but it will obviously depend on how popular it is in order for it to remain viable.

AGM Tuesday 29th November
AGM Tuesday 29th November


Tuesday 29th November AGM

held at Newbury Rugby Club

There was a good turnout (50 approx) Our thanks go to David Barratt standing down as Chairman and to Richard Bungey standing down as a committee member. Welcome to our new chairman Alan Oliver.

Newbury Soup Kitchen and West Berks Hospital League of Friends were put to the members as suggestions for the charities to be supported next year . After presentations from Frans Vas Nunes and Judy McCulloch and a very close vote it was decided the charity for 2022/3 would be The Newbury Soup Kitchen and the charity for 2023/4 would be West Berks Hospital League of Friends.

Photo by John Foster

R.I.P. Michael Kaye

We have also now learned of the sad death of Michael Kaye an active and very able bridge player at Newbury Bridge Club in recent years. He will be greatly missed.

R.I.P. Jeanne Whitehorn

16th September. We are very sorry to report that Jeanne died yesterday.  Although we have not seen much of her for quite a while she was for many years an active member and a distinguished club stalwart. She was a committee member from 1981-84. Many of our club members would have known her well. She  was an excellent bridge player and  will be much missed by her friends.

R.I.P. Etta Atkins

We have also heard that Etta Atkins died on 14th September. Our commiserations go to her family. Her funeral will be at St Mary’s Church Chieveley on Thursday 13th October at 11 a.m.

European Youth Championships 2022

23rd July. Congratulations again to Lottie Bedford who was a member of the U-16 team which won a silver medal at the European Youth Championships held last week.

Southern Salver - Results
Southern Salver - Results



Forty club members played in this individual club competition at Chieveley Village Hall on Sunday 24th July. Thanks to all those who contributed to the splendid tea we were provided with and to the Director Ann McMahon.
Congratulations to Richard Ray who came 1st, Ann McMahon who was 2nd and to Mary Ferguson who was 3rd.
Christine Ray was 4th, Sue Oliver 5th, Pat McGregor 6th and Janet Fuller 7th.


Richard Ray receiving the Salver from Ann McMahon. Photo by John Foster

Chiltern League Spring Cup

Congratulations to Ann McMahon's team who have won the Spring Cup. Team members Ann McMahon, Sula Turpin, Gill Weeks and Steve Martin

Chiltern League Summer Teams

This was played on 6th July. There were eight teams. Newbury were well represented and did very well!

            1st Keith Terrell, Peter Briggs, Stuart Strachan and Paul Hirszowicz.
2nd Nicola Foster, Eileen Barratt, John Foster, David Barratt
3rd Ann McMahon, Sula Turpin, Gill Weeks and Steve Martin


R.I.P John Tuplin

John Tuplin a former long term member of NBC died  on 4th June (aged 94). His funeral will be at WB Crematorium on June 23rd at 1pm. He played with his wife Pam for many happy years. John was the Chairman of the club from 1995 to 1998 and its President from 1998 to 2003.

R.I.P. John Spencer

We have just learned the sad news from his sons that John Hall Spencer passed away peacefully in the early hours of June 13th, 2022.

Pam Lindeman's Funeral

Pam's funeral  is 4pm, next Monday 13th June, West Berks Crematorium. All welcome

R.I.P. Pam Lindeman

We are also sad to report that one of the club's stalwarts Pam Lindeman died on Monday 9th May. We haven't seen her for a while but she will be remembered as a cheerful popular player and we will miss her. Her husband Martin was chairman of the club from 1998 to 2004 and we believe he was a founder member of the club.


Return of the Andrew Robson trophy -first winner

The committee has decided that we should return to awarding the Andrew Robson trophy for the highest average percentage at the Virtual Club on Thursday evenings. As before it covers a 4month period. The first one (for a while) will be awarded for May-August 2022.

Eleanor Rice is the first winner. Well done Eleanor!  The trophy will be presented at Deanwood next Tuesday

R.I.P. Gloria Mallaburn

We are sorry to inform you that Gloria another of our newer members died on Friday 6th May. She was a regular player for some time on ABCOL and will be greatly missed especially by her partners who have commented on her friendly, helpful nature.

Chiltern League Elimination Pairs Final

Congratulations to Andrew and Mary Ferguson who were 2nd with 65.56%   All the Newbury Pairs scored over 50%


R.I.P. Carolyn Poynter

More sad news. Carolyn Poynter one of our newer members died on 8th April. She suffered from a chronic respiratory problem. She was always bright and cheerful and popular with other players. She will be greatly missed and our commiserations go to her husband Malcolm and family.


R.I.P. Barney Barnes

25th March. We have also just learned that Barney died this week. Our commiserations go to his wife Roz.

R.I.P. Lynn Kirby

24th March. We are very sorry to report that Lynn died this week. Although we have not seen much of her in the last couple of years she was for many years an active member and a distinguished club stalwart. She was club President from 2003 to 2009. Many of our club members would have known her well. She had a friendly bubbly personality and was an excellent bridge player. She will be much missed.

Lynne 's funeral is on Wednesday  April 13th at 2pm at Stockcross church. All welcome. Family flowers only.


EBU Club Champions Prize

The EBU Club Champions prize is determined by a draw from each club’s top Masterpoint winners. This year Sue Oliver of Newbury Bridge Club was drawn second out of the hat and wins £200. Well done Sue

Peggy Bayer Trophy 2022

Congratulations again to Lottie Bedford who was a member of the victorious England team who won the Peggy Bayer trophy at the weekend. 24th Feb