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Enjoy Bridge At NBC
Enjoy Bridge At NBC
Wednesday Bridge event 8.00pm Navnat Centre Mahendra/Anup
Friday Bridge event 8.00pm Navnat Centre DM/MPK/Kirit Wadhar/Ameeta
Welcome to Navnat Bridge Club


Dear Bridge Family

NBC Report: - 2022 and Onwards to 2023


The real test of a bridge player isn't in keeping out of trouble, but in escaping once he's in.

The government rules on Covid have been relaxed and the bridge family are coming to terms with normal life as before, with a lot of new reservations and adopting slightly different approach on daily grind


Our heartfelt condolences to the families of departed souls, and get well wishes to all who going through a rough patch.


Face to Face Bridge started at Navnat Centre from March 2022 and is being played twice a week, including some week-ends, on average we have almost 40 members attending the sessions.


We would like to thank each and every NBC member including the new members for their continued support.


For the year 2022  we had 136 members.

We played almost 51 sessions for the year 2022 slightly less than anticipated. We had to cancel quite a few sessions as enough members were not able to make it. A large number of members attended sessions on a regular basis. We still have a small number of members whose attendance need perking up and we are sure they will do so in 2023.


We had hot nastas for most of the sessions and also had full dinners a number of times.

A huge thanks to all the donors and sponsor-ors  without them it would have been difficult to have so many hot nastas and dinners. A huge thanks to our culinary team Ushaben Shakuben and volunteers for serving us delicious nastas and dinners.


Our annual Diwali party was celebrated with almost 100 members and guests attending it. Thanks to all the donors for their donations and gifts for the raffle.


Our thanks to Ameetaben in training 2 cohorts of new members and we are glad they have joined and started playing the sessions on a regular basis.


We would like to thank Dilipbhai Mithani Navnat President all the executive committee, all  affiliates, trustees and advisory board for their continued support for NBC

NBC donated £2000 for the building project and £1000 in general donation to Navnat



Our huge thanks to all the volunteers assisting us during bridge sessions.

As usual great team work by all the committee, Mahendrabhai, Shakuben, Ushaben, Kirit, Ajit, Aroon, Anup  and their spouses - thanks to each and every one of them.


For the year  2023 we already have a membership of  almost 120, thanks to each and every member joining the NBC. We already had 5 sessions of bridge for the month of January(1 to 20 January).


2023 has started with a big bang of  generous donations, our gratitude to all the donors and sponsor-ors.

Donations from

Ranjanben Kothari - £101

Vidulaben Shah - £100

Jayeshbhai and Ameetaben Shah - £51


Anyone who wants to donate or sponsor please contact Mahendrabhai or one of the CM


The facilities at Navnat Centre are one of the best in the country. We are so fortunate, our home Navnat Centre is available all year round and we can play any day we prefer. Other clubs may not be in a similar positions as ours.

We have all the facilities one would dream of at Navnat. Ample parking space, entry to car park via pin code or special entry card, safe and secure, excellent teas, week-end sessions with lunch/dinner, in-house culinary team for their delicious dishes,

air-conditioned halls, very spacious and bright, all the bridge accessories including 2 deals making machines most clubs have only one, almost 7 sets of computerised cards, training for new members, and of course our Bridge Family of more than 120 members.


More information and photographs on NBC website


Life is too short to argue and fight.

Count your blessings.

Love the friends and bridge family that are always there.

Smile more often.

Make the most of everyday.


My humble apologies if I have missed or reported anything out of context.



NBC Secretary

January 2023


NVA Address

Navnat Centre 

Printing House Lane,

Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 1AR

Tel: 020 8848 3909              


Sponsors of Nasto

Anyone who would like to Sponsor Nasto please contact

Shakuben Sheth (Mobile: 07966 840910) or  Usha Shah (Mobile: 0779523 3979)

Anup Mehta (Mobile: 0787640 7768)



Fri 20th September 2024
Friday Bridge event
Navnat Centre 8.00pm
Director: DM/MPK/Kirit Wadhar/Ameeta
Scorer: Kirit Wadhar
Wed 25th September 2024
Wednesday Bridge event
Navnat Centre 8.00pm
Director: Mahendra/Anup
Scorer: Aroon/Anup
Fri 27th September 2024
Friday Bridge event
Navnat Centre 8.00pm
Director: DM/MPK/Kirit Wadhar/Ameeta
Scorer: Kirit Wadhar
Dinner 7 PM Wednesday Bridge event
Director: Anup Mehta
Scorer: Aroon vora
S Nasto Wednesday Bridge event
Director: Anup & Kirit
Scorer: Kirit Wadhar
S Nasto Wednesday Bridge event
Director: Anup Mehta
Scorer: Aroon vora