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Release 2.19p

Andrew Robson Master Class Charity Bridge Day

at Crewe Alexandra Stadium

on Monday 11 November

Book either as a pair or a table of 4

Tickets £50 per person

Booking forms available from Janet Furber or Brian Wade


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Local Bridge Drives


Bridge Drive on Saturday 19 October 2024 

In aid of Audlem & District Amenities Society

( A local society working for a vibrant community)

At Audlem Public Hall 

10.30 am for 11am 

£20 to include lunch and 1 draw ticket

To book contact Janet Furber on 07889 128524

or email to


Deva Bridge Club - Chester Bowl

Sunday 20 October 2024 at Deva Bridge Club, Village Road

Christleton, Chester CH3 7AS

It is a 2 session event starting at 12 noon with a half time break

and 2nd session running into early evening.

Blue master points will be awarded. Entrance fee £17.50 per person.

A two course meal available between the sessions cost £16.50 per person

or bring your own food.

Entry forms on

Enquiries to David Smith -

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