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Board 24: 23 March 2017
Hand Evaluation Again

When I opened the traveller for Board 24, I was expecting to see a row of 4 contracts by West. Don't be so silly Michael! Only one pair actually bid the game and another was the generous recipient of being doubled in a part score in hearts. So what went wrong. The culprit is probably West who just counted their balanced hand points to 22 and opened 2NT. Certainly in teams I would still be looking for game in a major with the East hand, but in pairs it is not so clear cut. But don't blame East. The West hand must be the biggest 22 points anyone has seen. According to the Bergen valuation, which I am sure you all now know I use and believe in totally, the West hand has starting points of 24, so a clear 2♣ opening hand in standard Acol. Getting to 4 by West after some form of stayman sequence should now be a doddle, and after the likely singleton diamond lead, so should be the play of the hand. As an aside, pairs who want to improve their bidding should be able to show both a 4 card or a 5 card major in the stayman sequence after a 2NT opening, or a 2NT rebid after a 2♣ opening.

Admittedly the play of 4 without the singleton diamond lead is a little more tricky. Let us say North makes a spade lead. West should win in his own hand and now play off the top two hearts hoping for the 2/2 break. Now play three rounds of spades finishing in dummy and lead up to the diamond to take the finesse. It wins,cash the AD and North ruffs with his winning heart. He now ether provides a ruff and discard by leading a spade or has to lead a club. Alternatively, after the third spade, lead a club from dummy towards the K♣  If South wins and continues clubs, North can then be thrown in with the heart. Alternatively if South ducks the A♣, win with the K♣, and exit with a club.and a similar ending will occur.The opponents must either open up the diamonds, so the finesse can be taken, or a ruff and discard needs to be conceded.  

I cannot say I covered myself in glory on this deal either. After West opened 2NT it was passed round to South who decided to bid 3NT! What is that! Well my first thought (and usually the best one) was that it must be a two suiter of some description. But then I looked at my single diamond and thought has partner got a running diamond suit, Ridiculous I know but I decided to pass and wait for a double if I was wrong. A double did not arrive and we ended up -7 for -350.Not bad, or it shouldn't be, when 4H should be bid and made. 

Michael Whittaker