Naas Monday Bridge Club
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17th Apr 2024 15:44 BST
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New Members Welcome

Naas Monday Bridge Club welcomes new members of all grades. If you are a novice, perhaps have just finished lessons and are looking for a club to join, contact us to see if we are a fit for you. We will help you get starterd playing club bridge. For improvers, we can give you the competition to improve your skills! Contact us for further information at


Charity night 2023
Charity night 2023

Naas Monday Bridge Club held their annual charity night this year in aid of the Care of the Aged.

We raised €707 a cheque for which was presented to Marie Kelly and Josephine Doyle NCOTA on Monday 20th February.

Thank you to all the members who turned up on the night, donated prizes to our raffle and gave so much. Thank to those who could not make it on the night but sent along their donations. 

Finally thank you to my fellow committee members for all you did to help organize this event. Well done Monday Bridge Club!

Moira Fullam

President's address
President's address

The bridge year resumed on 25th September 2023. We are now in our second year post covid and the Monday Bridge Club continues to thrive. We welcomed new members again this year and the return of another member after a year's absence.

We are delighted to announce that Marian Brennan was promoted to Master player and other members had their grades improved.

After a very successful Christmas party we look forward to our Charity Night on 29th January in aid of Jack and Jill.

We look forward to a large attendance. 

Other dates to remember are President's Prize on 25th March, AGM 13th May, Bumper Night 20th May, with presentations on the last bridge night of the year on 27th May.

It's an honour to work with a great committee and to work to make the club the best it can be.

Happy bridgeing!

Bridget Greaney

Last updated : 12th Apr 2024 14:08 BST
Charity Night Presentation to Jack and Jill Foundation
Charity Night Presentation to Jack and Jill Foundation

Naas Monday Bridge Club held their annual Charity night on 29th January 2024.

This years recipient is the Jack and Jill Foundation.

Danielle Ryan accepted a cheque for 785 Euro on behalf of the foundation and assured us that it is much appreciated.

A huge thanks to all our members who donated so generously. We had a full attendance on the night and the amount raised, 785 Euro, is amazing.

Thanks also to our committee for all their hard work organizing the event.

Gratefully, Bridget Greaney

Last updated : 14th Feb 2024 15:43 GMT
Brigid Royce, player of the year 2022-2023
Brigid Royce, player of the year 2022-2023
Last updated : 14th Feb 2024 14:56 GMT
Christmas Party and presentation of prizes
Christmas Party and presentation of prizes

Moira, our President, organised a wonderful Christmas night this year with fun bridge, wine and canapes and the presentation of  the prizes from our Christmas competition. our first Christmas night since 2019.Below Moira presenting 1st  prise to Bridget Greaney ( Sheila Byrne not present)

Last updated : 16th Jan 2024 15:31 GMT
President's address
President's address

Naas Monday Bridge Club has survived the pandemic and it is great that we are now back playing live bridge.

Unfortunately, during the pandemic a number of our long-standing members passed away, we miss them and we mourn their loss.

Some of our members played online during lockdown, enjoyed it and are still playing online. 

Our club is thriving, we have welcomed many new members since September and our numbers are now back to pre-covid levels.

Hopefully the year ahead will be one full of interesting and challenging hands for all.

Moira Fullam.

President NMBC

Last updated : 16th Jan 2024 15:09 GMT
Presentation Prizes last night of bridge year
Director: Jo Mahon
Scorer: Gerry Grogan
Bumper Night
Director: Jo Mahon
Scorer: Gerry Grogan
Director: Jo Mahon
Scorer: Gerry Grogan
Director: Jo Mahon
Scorer: Gerry Grogan
Director: Jo Mahon
Scorer: Gerry Grogan
President's Prize

Monday 25th March

Bumper Night

Monday 20 May