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18th Sep 2024 13:15 BST
2024-2025 President Kathleen McDonald
8th Sep 2024 21:07 BST
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2014 - 2015 President Miss Kathleen McCay
Kathleen McCay President



20 February 2015 - Founders Trophy

John McClenaghan and James McLaughlin

6 March 2015 - Bank of Ireland Trophy

John McClenaghan and James McLaughlin

27 March 2015 - Meehan Cup

Ted McQuilkin and Colette McCool


03 April 2015 - Good Friday Trophy

Jim O Sullivan and Shaun McNutt


President's Night - Kathleen McCay

1st - Eileen Farren and Mary McClenaghan

2nd - Jim O'Sullivan and Shaun McNutt

3rd - Ted McQuilkin and Colette McCool

Best A - Eugene O Sullivan and Michael Cooke

Best B - Margaret Doherty and James Cavanagh

A big congratulations to Kathleen on a very successful year as President of the Club and on the success of her President's Night and the many beautiful prizes, well done to all the winners on the nightyesyesyes

Congratulations and well done to Kathleen on hosting the perfect President's Night - good food and good company, beautiful prizes all together made it very special.

Thank you so much Kathleen for a wonderful evening.