Moseley Bridge Club
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7th Aug 2024 08:00 BST
Monday Evenings Bridge - July 2024 Cup Winners
Monday Evenings Bridge - July 2024 Cup Winners

Moseley Monthly Cup - Winners - July 2024

Congratulations to Veronica & Nicola, winning the trophy for July 2024 with an impressive score of 69.79% - great result.

The last Monday of every month will see the trophy up for grabs; to be eligible to win it members need to have played at least twice during that month but not necessarily with the same partner.

Results will be announced here each month.

Good luck to all of our players.    Come and join us.   We look forward to seeing you.  Visitors always welcome.

Join us and win the Moseley Monthly Cup.

 Session Timings on a Monday Evening ♠ 

Our session will finish promptly at 10pm on a Monday Evening.

We do hope that this will encourage as many of you to attend as possible.

Looking forward to seeing you - we start playing at 7pm so please arrive in time to do so.

Visitors are very welcome


Best Bridge

                                       ♠   ♣          

Guides to create a pleasant atmosphere at our club.

Being a good 'host' or 'guest' at the table.

Greeting others in a friendly manner. Praising the bidding and/or play of the opponents. 

Having two clearly completed convention cards readily available to the opponents (This one is a regulation, not just a nicety). 

The following list are some examples of behaviour which will not be tolerated:

Badgering, rudeness, insinuations, intimidation, profanity, threats, or violence.

Negative comments concerning opponents' or partner's play or bidding.

Constant and gratuitous lessons and analyses at the table.

Loud and disruptive arguing with a director's ruling.

                                       ♠   ♣            

Welcome to Moseley Bridge Club - Visitors and Members Welcome at all sessions - please call 0121 820 9161 for any queries
Liams Hints Of WIsdom ...............

♠ Liam, who taught many of us to play bridge will share some hints and tips here which he hopes you will enjoy  

A True rarity A bid you so seldom see that you’ve forgotten you may have read about it ages ago. 5NT is the creature; not the asking for Kings application and not the Grand Slam Force (bid 7 if you have two of the top 3 honours) aka Josephine. Imagine you asked P for Aces with 4NT and to your dismay he/she failed to give you what was needed. Now you are stuck in playing 5NT with two top losers but how do you get there? Bidding it would be a King ask which you can’t do and you know the opps are licking their lips, realising that a wheel has come off. Here’s a hand from last night: N held AKQ105, AKQ8, AJ95, void S held 8, J3, KQ842, KJ843 and it went 2C – 3D 3S – 4C 4NT 5C ?? The solution was at hand: a bid of the unbid major requires P to go 5NT, so 5H 5NT Pass. Say what you like about the auction but the participants had the thrill of a once in a lifetime opportunity to use a true rarity.

Moseley Bridge Club


 ♠ Notice - Annual Subs Are Now Due for 2024  ♠ 

The annual membership of Moseley Bridge Club is £10.00

All players/members are required to pay their membership to entitle them to reduced table fees.

Please make your payment as follows:

Account Name:  Moseley Bridge Club

Account Number: 41198483

Sort Code: 40-11-08

Please use your name as a reference.

Thank you for your support





Thursday Pairs
Director: Liam
Monday Pairs
Director: Liam
Thursday Pairs
Director: John
Monday Pairs
Director: Liam
Thursday Pairs
Director: John
Monday Pairs
Director: Liam
Happy 100th Birthday
Happy 100th Birthday

♠   ♣ Congratulations to Sylvia who celebrated a milestone birthday at Moseley Bridge Club.  Sylvia who turned 100 years old this year was joined by fellow bridge players to mark the momentous occasion. 

Sylvia’s son made a wonderful biographical speech about his mother and her full and varied life as a scientist, and as a teacher, and raising her family.  And then she found bridge ………..  and the rest, as we say, is history.

A fun evening was had by all – Happy 100th Birthday Sylvia.♠   ♣ 




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