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If you have any information relevant to Milton Keynes Bridge Club and its members that you would like to display on the website, contact any committee member or David Prichard our Chair.


Milton Keynes Bridge Club Constitution



1.1 The name of the bridge club shall be the Milton Keynes Bridge Club.




2.1 The object of the Club shall be to promote bridge for recreational, educational and competitive purposes for its Members.




3.1 The membership is open to all persons who are bridge players of an acceptable basic level.
3.2 Membership is at all times at the discretion of the Committee.
3.3 Any Member of the Club who, in the opinion of the Committee, is guilty of bringing the Club into contempt or disrepute by reasons of their actions, or is in open breach of the Constitution and Rules, shall be asked to explain and, dependent upon the explanation received, such a Member shall be liable to be reprimanded, suspended or expelled, according to the decision of the Committee. The decision of the Committee is final.
3.4 Each Member shall pay to the Treasurer, or person nominated by the Treasurer, such payments as become due according to the Constitution and Rules in force at the time the payment becomes due.
3.5 Size of the membership shall be at the discretion of the Committee.




4.1 The Committee shall authorise the bank to honour cheques signed by any two of a greater number of persons nominated by the Committee for this purpose.
4.2 The Treasurer of the Club shall ensure that simple accounts are kept based on a financial year commencing January 1st. The accounts shall be balanced annually and audited by a competent, independent auditor appointed by the Committee annually.
4.3 A financial statement shall be presented by the Treasurer of the Club to each Member of the Committee.
4.4 In the event of the winding up of the Club, insofar as is possible, any surplus monies shall be equally distributed back to all paid-up members of the club at the date of its cessation. Should the committee deem any such distribution to be uneconomic then such surplus monies shall be donated to a charity chosen by the committee.




5.1 This shall be held within 60 days following the end of the Club's financial year when the reports of the Officers of the Club shall be presented. These reports shall be sent out with the notice calling the AGM.
5.2 Nominations for the Officers of the Club and Committee shall be proposed and seconded in writing and the nominee shall sign the nomination form indicating willingness to stand. Nominations may be accepted at the AGM with the agreement of Members present.
5.3 Notice of the meeting shall be posted to each Member with the agenda and Officers' reports at least 21 days prior to the meeting.
5.4 Any items for discussion at the AGM by Members must be with the Secretary by January 1st and put on the agenda.
5.5 Any votes taken shall be decided by a majority of two-thirds of Members present or 51% of the total membership on constitutional matters, and a simple majority on other matters.
5.6 A quorum of the AGM shall be not less than one fifth of the total membership.




6.1 The Officers of the Club shall be the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. All these shall be elected at the AGM.




7.1 The Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club and no more than five additional Members, who shall be elected at the AGM
7.2 The Committee shall meet as and when necessary with reasonable notice being given.
7.3 Each Officer and Committee Member shall resign annually but shall be eligible for re-election.
7.4 In the event of the resignation, death or sustained absence of any Committee Member the Committee are empowered to appoint a replacement.
7.5 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt not more than two additional Members in any one financial year.
7.6 If the Chairman is absent from any meeting the Vice Chairman shall preside. If both the Chairman and Vice Chairman are absent from any meeting the Members present shall choose one of their Members to preside at that meeting before any business is transacted.
7.7 A quorum of the Committee shall be not less than 50 per cent of its total membership at the time of the meeting.
7.8 The proceedings of the Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy in their number nor by any defect in the election, appointment or qualification of any Member.
7.9 Every question to be determined at a meeting of the Committee shall be determined by a majority vote. In the event of a tie the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
7.10 No Member shall vote on any matter in which he has a personal pecuniary interest.
7.11 A record of the proceedings of the Committee shall be kept through Minutes.
7.12 In any urgent matter arising between meetings the Chairman shall be empowered to take action and such action shall be reported to the Committee at heir next meeting. Where such action has significant financial implications the Treasurer shall be consulted.
7.13 The Committee may establish such sub-committees as it thinks fit.
7.14 The Committee shall undertake the running of the Club's financial affairs and bridge programme. Such decisions will be reported to the AGM.
7.15 The Committee shall from time to time review and set membership subscription rates, table monies, visitors fees, refreshment charges, competition entry fees and any other charges relevant to the sound running of the club. New rates and charges will be communicated to members and will become effective from the date specified by the Committee.




8.1 The AGM shall empower the Committee to affiliate the Club to any suitable organisation and to authorise the payment of such fees as may be required.


9: GENERAL MEETINGS (other than AGM)


9.1 Notice of all General Meetings shall be posted on the Club's notice board not less than 28 days before the date of such a meeting. The intention to hold a General Meeting shall also be announced at all bridge sessions preceding the General Meeting. General Meetings may be called by the Committee or by not fewer than ten Members of the Club.
9.2 The meeting must be held within 42 days of the Secretary receiving a VALID request.
9.3 The reason for the meeting will be stated on the notice.
9.4 Any votes taken shall be decided by a majority of two-thirds of Members present.




10.1 Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at a General Meeting.


(This constitution was ratified at a Special General Meeting held on 15 July 2009)