North Simcoe Bridge and Games Club
Every skill level welcome
Release 2.19r
Contact Info

427 William Street Midland Ontario

 Club President: 

Gail Chapman
gailchapman1 [@]

Club Manager: 

Jeanette Halliday
jhalliday123 [@]

Thursday Afternoon  contact: Paul Parent

Tuesday Evening Social Game: Karen Granville


Vern Beacock


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All time hits
BOD Meeting October


Midland Duplicate Bridge Club

Annual General Meeting

December 5th, 2022


Vern Beacock the President of the club welcomed everyone to the meeting.  He then expressed the club’s appreciation for the efforts of Jeannette Halliday for doing the Partnerships, Wendy Smith for looking after the Website, Linda & Romeo Lalonde for all they do for the club.  He also mentioned that Linda & Romeo have been made Lifetime members in the Midland Bridge Duplicate Club.

He then introduced the Board to the members present as well as Wendy Smith and Terry Purser respectively in their positions of Club Manager and Facilities Manager.  Due to the fact that there will be no Club championships this year there will be no wine presented to members as a token gift.  A discussion was held of the possibility of one of our members joining the Board.  Lynn Moon (Secretary) explained that we only had 5 voting members and it would be nice to have more members on the Board for more input and discussions at our meetings.

Kent Carstairs nominated Karen Granville for the Board and she accepted.

Gail Chapman (Treasurer) presented her financial statement for the years 2020 – 2022.  There were some questions that she answered regarding her statement.  Someone did ask if we have an official audit however, we assured the members present that Kent Carstairs reviews our finances for the year and does approve Gail’s efforts on our behalf.

It was decided during this discussion that there should be a budget prepared for the year 2022-2023. The Christmas dinner should be included in the new budget.

Karen Granville put forth a motion seconded by Terry Purser to approve the Financial statement presented by Gail.   A vote was held.

                                           Motion Carried

Karen Granville put the motion forward that we hire the caterer from this year’s Christmas dinner for December 4th, 2023 offering the same menu by giving a deposit of $100.  This motion was seconded by Kent Carstairs.

                                           Motion Carried

It was also discussed after this motion and voted on that we revisit our finances in October 2023 to make sure it is feasible to once again offer the membership the dinner at no cost to them.

Rod Ferguson thanked Vern on behalf of the membership for all he does for our club.

Linda Lalonde moved that the Annual General meeting be adjourned.  Bill Todd seconded this motion.                                               

     Motion Carried