Release 2.19r
Summer Club Championship

Congratulations to the winner of the Individual Club Championship Simon Lee. The full results are on the Website under Competitions.

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1. Name and Object

1.1.   The name shall be "Mid Glamorgan Bridge Club" and it shall be affiliated to the Welsh Bridge Union.

1.2.   The object of the club shall be to provide facilities for playing duplicate bridge under the current laws governing the game.


2. Management Committee

2.1.   A committee consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and up to 9 ordinary committee members shall manage the club.

2.2.   A quorum for any committee meeting shall be 4.

2.3.   The committee shall convene at least three times a year for general committee meetings.

2.4.   All officers and committee members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  Nominations for the officers and committee members must be received by the Secretary at least 8 days prior to the AGM, in writing, with a proposer and seconder who are both current members of the club.

2.5.   Existing officers and committee members may stand for re-election without formal nomination.


3. Membership

3.1.   Membership shall be open to all bridge players by application to the committee which reserves the right to refuse membership.

3.2.   Members' subscriptions shall be due on the 1st March each year and shall be paid by the 31st March.

3.3.   After written notice given by the Secretary, any member not having paid the subscription by 30th April shall cease to be a member of the club.

4. Management of the Club

4.1.   The committee shall be responsible for the general running of the club.

4.2.   The Chairperson shall preside at all club General meetings and at all Management Committee meetings and shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie (but no other vote) at such meetings.  In the absence of the Chairperson, a temporary Chairperson may be elected by the committee for that meeting.

4.3.   The Secretary shall be responsible for the detailed running of the club, including promulgating the programme of events, communicating with the membership and outside bodies to enable the club to function correctly, giving adequate notice of the AGM and committee meetings and any other meetings deemed necessary for the proper administration of the club's affairs.

4.4.   The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies due to the club and pay all debts incurred by the club; the Treasurer shall keep accounts of all the club's business and shall present a statement of the club's accounts for the year to 31st December at the AGM following the end of that year.

4.5.   The committee shall have the power to co-opt members to fill casual vacancies on the committee until the next AGM.

4.6.   The committee shall have the power to appoint an auditor of the club's accounts if no auditor is appointed at the AGM.

4.7.   The committee shall have the right to terminate or suspend the membership of any member or refuse renewal of membership.


5. Annual General Meeting

5.1.   The AGM shall take place in February of each year at a date to be decided by the committee and notice of that date shall be posted on the club notice board at least 21 days before that date.

5.2.   The AGM will transact the following business:

5.2.1.   Elect the officers and committee members.

5.2.2.   Receive reports from the Chairperson and Secretary.

5.2.3.   Receive and approve the Treasurer's report, to include consideration and approval of his recommendations for the rate of the subscription and table money for the year as from 1st March.

5.2.4.   Consider any motions or proposals from any club member received in writing by the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM (late notice of any such motion or proposal to be allowed only at the discretion of the Chairperson).

5.2.5.   Deal with any special matters that the committee may put to the membership.

5.2.6.   Appoint an auditor for the club's accounts for the forthcoming year.


6. Special General Meetings

6.1.   These meetings may be convened by the committee at any time.

6.2.   These meetings may also be convened by written request to the Secretary signed by at least 12 members of the club setting out the purpose or reason for requesting such a meeting in which event the Secretary will arrange for such a meeting to be held within 28 days of receiving the request.

6.3.   The Secretary shall post a notice of the Special General Meeting (SGM) on the club notice board at least 14 days before the date of the Meeting, stating the reason or purpose for such meeting.

7. Quorum and Voting

7.1.   The quorum for an AGM and also for an SGM shall be 20 club members.

7.2.   Voting at an AGM and at an SGM shall be by show of hands; absentee votes shall not be counted.

7.3.   In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall exercise a casting vote.

8. Alteration of the Constitution

8.1.   The constitution may only be altered at a General Meeting of the club.

9. Dissolution of the Club

9.1.   If the dissolution of the club seems desirable to the committee at any time through withdrawal of members or for any other cause, the committee shall call an SGM of the club.

9.2.   If two thirds of the members present and voting at such meeting agree to its dissolution, the club shall dissolve at the end of that meeting and the committee shall be empowered to dispose of the club's assets in such a way as the members voting at that meeting by simple majority shall determine.


Adopted at an SGM of the Club on 20/10/2016