Maidstone Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Wednesday Evening F2F Punctual Start at 7pm

If likely to be delayed, please phone Richard on 07780681405

If the movement has been set up and we are not aware you are coming we may have difficulty in accommodating you

Last updated : 10th Jun 2024 08:10 BST


To join our weekly Realbridge on-line session you will need to be a member to have access to the "Members Only" area of the Web Site. Once you have access you go to the Members Area and the Member Only Notices where you will find a Link to the On-line game.

Last updated : 10th Jun 2024 08:12 BST
Maidstone Bridge Club

♠ ♥ Find information about Maidstone Bridge Club on this website ♦ ♣ 


The Club is EBU affiliated:  P2P, Master Points,

Computer deals and Electronic Scoring


Last updated : 28th May 2024 13:53 BST
0 0 0 0 0 0
Pages viewed in 2024
Welcome to Maidstone Bridge Club
Welcome to Maidstone Bridge Club

 ♥  ♣   ♠

The Club meets on Monday afternoons and Wednesday evenings for face-to-face Bridge at the Maidstone Civil Service Club with computer scoring and pre-dealt hands

Table money is £3 for members (£3.50 visitors who are very welcome) and free Tea, Coffee and biscuits are available

There is ample on-site parking at the rear of the Club, particularly on Wednesday evenings.

Play starts at 1300 on Mondays and 1900 on Wednesdays; we normally play 24 boards with play finishing around 1600 or 2200

Please note that there is a host available on Mondays but not Wednesdays
Scores are normally posted on this site about half an hour after play finishes. 

Players looking for a partner for either session please give Barry a ring on 07442 132119. For general bridge enquiries please email

On-line bridge is also available on Wednesday evenings starting at 1915 using the Realbridge platform. Details of how to take part are shown in the adjacent column.

Last updated : 11th Jun 2024 19:36 BST

It is with sadness we've learned of the death of John Chambers who died unexpectedly in his sleep on Sunday night. John and his wife Audrey were regular players on Wednesday nights at the Hilton and then the Civil Service Club. For health reasons they did not return to face to face bridge after covid but he has remained active in his fruit farm until the last. John would have been 90 later this year and we send our condolences to his wife Audrey and family.

Last updated : 3rd Sep 2024 18:59 BST

The Committee agreed that we should play the Brook Trophy (again!) one Monday afternoon and the chosen date was the 30th September at 1pm. This event was last held at the Bearsted Club venue prior to Covid and is really a social get together for beginners and more experienced players who knew Brook as a Teacher and also player until his untimely death from cancer. Continuing the Bearsted tradition, afternoon tea, sandwiches and cakes, will be on offer and the Bar will be open all afternoon. There is a trophy to be claimed by the winner. 

You don't have to have known Brook to take part just be someone who enjoys a more social game of bridge, (but still played to the rules!). As an Individual movement you don't need a partner and you will end up playing with everyone else who takes part but, please note, due to the nature of the movement there are no permanently sitting tables.

If you would like to take part, and because precise numbers are needed to plan the movement, a £5 deposit to cover the cost of the food will be required. In addition table money of £3 will be collected on the day. To confirm your place please either pay on a Monday afternoon or Wednesday evening prior to the event. For obvious reasons the normal Monday session will not take place. We are aiming for a maximum of 7 tables (28 players) so please enter in good time if you wish to participate.

Note - this session is now fully booked
but if you have a booked place and now cannot attend, please advise Richard (Wednesdays) or Linda (Mondays)

Last updated : 10th Sep 2024 13:06 BST

16 players from Maidstone travelled to Godinton Ashford on Saturday 24 August to play in a Charity Bridge Competition organised by the town Mayor Lynn Suddards who plays regularly at Maidstone on Wednesday evenings. There were players from other Kent Clubs including Canterbury, Weald of Kent and Little Chart. The Mayor is seen pictured at table 1 prior to the start and a general view of the playing area. Highest placed Maidstone Pair were Richard and Jenny who were 3rd and next Viv Elwell and Jean Everest.

Mayor Lyn with her partner Sue and visitors from Somerset


Last updated : 31st Aug 2024 20:16 BST
Maidstone Bridge Club

Information to all members agreed at the AGM held on 7 February 2024:

  • Club annual membership fee to be held at £5.
  • Table money and fees to remain at £3 for F2F and £1.50 for Real Bridge.   The difference is due to extra expenses at the club and also the provision included of hot drinks and biscuits.
  • Guest money to remain at £3.50 for F2F and £2 for Real Bridge (in this case, only with a member who is responsible for payment of the fee).   Maximum of 3 attendances as a guest, after which the player will be invited to join as a member.
  • New ladder pairs competitions starting from January 2024 on first Wednesday of each month.   Wednesday competition will be joint F2F and online.
  • Reintroduction of Chairmans Bowl. The best five scores for any member who has played with at least five different partners during the year.

Slow play online -  Players are responsible for maintaining their own connection and slow play will have a board stopped or removed with an adjusted score of 60/40 awarded to the opposition.  

Games on Real Bridge will cost £1.50 per player per game;  payment will be due retrospectively at the end of each month and amounts due with payment advice will be posted in the Members' Only Notices at the end of each month.

Visitors -  Visitors are welcome to play at the Club - please contact Chairman beforehand.   Members may invite a friend as a guest to online sessions for one complementary session;  to action this please email with the name and email address of the guest, and state which date you wish to play.    Thereafter visitors may play for a maximum of 3 online events as a guest as a cost of £2 per player per game;  the member inviting the guest will be responsible for this payment and the cost will added to their invoice at the end of the month.  

Last updated : 31st Aug 2024 20:14 BST
Wednesday Pairs OL
Real Bridge
Wednesday Pairs F2F
Monday Pairs F2F
CS Club
Wednesday Pairs OL
Real Bridge
Wednesday Pairs F2F
Monday Pairs F2F
CS Club
EBED Autumn Sims Pairs O/L
EBED Autumn Sim Pairs Combined
Wednesday Ladder Pairs no 9 F2F
Monday Pairs F2F
CS Club
Wed 18th Sep 2024
Wednesday Pairs F2F
CSC 7pm
Director: RS
Mon 23rd Sep 2024
Monday Pairs F2F
CS Club 1pm
Director: RC
Wed 25th Sep 2024
Wednesday Pairs F2F
CSC 7pm
Director: RS
Wed 25th Sep 2024
Wednesday Pairs OL
Real Bridge 7.15pm
Mon 30th Sep 2024
CS Club 1pm
Director: RC