SpadeHeart  DiamondClub
Release 2.19p
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Minor suit end-play?

- 1NT is 12-14 and 2 is a transfer to Hearts.

- The double by South has shown the values for a penalty double of 1NT (15+HCP), a takeout double (of 2) is best used after the transfer has been completed (this is a reasonable agreement but by no means universal).

- West is using a pass to show only a 2-card Heart suit (also reasonable because North might be forced to bid).

- North has a good defensive hand and can pass.

- East must remove the penalty double.

- The bid by South shows a 5+card suit. If South had doubled 2 it should be for takeout showing 3+cards in the other suits, North then has an option to pass for penalties.

- West leads K and East plays the 2 (count signal showing odd number).

What is it reasonable to assume?

- The lead of the K may be from KQ or Kx.

- Spades are 3-0 (the 1NT opening is unlikely to be 22 in the Majors).

- Hearts are 5-2.

- East has 2-4 HCP and at least one Heart honour.

- West probably has the A♣.

You have 9 top tricks, how do you play for the 10th?

There is a remote chance they give you a Club ruff and diamond discard, but the answer seems to be somehow to make the J or K♣.

- West has the A♣ so you can only make the K♣ if West is end-played to lead into your K2♣.

- There are 2 possibilities to make the J, a successful finesse (it will lose if this is your line!) or end-play West to lead into your KJ tenace.

The solution seems to be end-play West in the Minors; but how?


- If you attempt to end-play West with Q then East will have it and return a Club. West having the Q.

- If you attempt to cash AK and end-play West with the Q then East will have it and return a Club.


Duck the K lead.  West must play a heart or a Spade or concede the contract.  You win the continuation, play A (if hearts not continued) and draw trumps ending in dummy.

Duck a Club.  East wins (if West wins, end-played).

Possible outcomes.

- East plays a Diamond, win and exit with K♣, West is end-played and must lead into diamond tenance or concede a Club ruff and discard.

- East plays a Club, West end-played as above.

- East plays a Heart.  If it is a low heart then discard the K♣ and run it to the 10 then try for the overtrick with the diamond finesse.  If an Honour is led then ruff and, if the 10 is not promoted, end play West with K♣ as above.  Otherwise, cross to dummy with a low Spade and discard K♣ on 10 then try for the overtrick with the diamond finesse.