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News Page
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Results Correction Policy
The club committee has decided to allow correction of results at any time up to and including the Sunday following each Tuesday session.

If any results need correcting please email the scorer within this time period.
Last updated : 8th Aug 2013 22:21 GMT
General Data Protection Regulations

Under the General Data Protection Regulations which come into force towards the end of May the club is obliged to have a published Privacy Notice. This can be accessed by clicking on the Privacy Notice tab on the left of this page.

Members will also be asked to sign new membership application forms to ensure compliance with GDPR.

Last updated : 27th Sep 2018 14:05 GMT
Addition of Email Addresses to the Member Area

The Member Area now contains email addresses of members where available.

If any member whose address is not shown would like it to be shown then please email John Leake


Last updated : 31st Oct 2018 17:07 GMT
Club Championship Pairs        
Names 1st week 2nd week Ave   Ascendancy  
Alan Deeley & Dorothy Howes
62.30 61.11
61.71 1st
Ed & Sue Devine
Ian Kemp & Hazel Miles
61.46 58.10
59.78 2nd
Stan Frost & John Howes
Sara Barnett & Mike Hunt
55.21 55.32
55.27 3rd
David Valentine & David Kenton
Kathy Jennings & Shirley Bull
49.60 59.49
54.55 4th
Jan Godbold & Chris Horder
Tony Clayton & Jim Maxey
53.57 54.40
53.99 5th
Margaret & David Murphy
Margaret & David Murphy
52.78 53.70
53.24 6th
Tony Clayton & Jim Maxey
Ed & Sue Devine
55.16 48.61
51.89 7th
Sara Barnett & Mike Hunt
Stan Frost & John Howes
48.41 54.86
51.64 8th
Jan Metcalf & Jan Cook
Jan Godbold & Chris Horder
43.75 49.31
46.53 9th
Alan Deeley & Dorothy Howes
Sally & Alan Burnay
43.06 48.61
45.84 10th
Ian Kemp & Hazel Miles
David Valentine & David Kenton
44.05 39.58
41.82 11th
Sally & Alan Burnay
Jan Metcalf & Jan Cook
42.06 40.97
41.52 12th
Kathy Jennings & Shirley Bull
Mike Klein & Joan Mills
41.67 33.33 37.50 13th
Mike Klein & Joan Mills
Last updated : 23rd Mar 2019 16:30 GMT

Congratulations to Alan and Dorothy on winning the Championship Pairs.

and to Shirley and Kathy for the ascendancy prize.

Full details on the News Page 

Last updated : 30th Apr 2019 14:24 GMT
Past Members Memorial Trophy


Congratulations to the 2019 winners Sara Barnett and Mike Hunt.


Last updated : 30th Apr 2019 14:25 GMT
February 11th Teams Result After Handicap

See the Results section for the result after handicapping for the February 11th teams.

Congratulations to Sue Devine, Ed Devine, Alan and Sally Burnay for winning by a large margin and to Tony Clayton, Jim Maxey, Gill Cunningham and Angela Wisson, the runners up.

Last updated : 29th Feb 2020 12:52 GMT

Many members will have heard of the recent sad passing of Tony Clayton.

He was a true gentleman who gave much to the club.

We will miss him.

The club has made a donation of £50 to the Isabel Hospice in his memory.

Last updated : 14th Feb 2021 00:38 GMT

Stan Frost has passed away following a sudden and serious heart condition.

He was a kind and generous man who will be sorely missed.

As well as being chairman of Broxbourne Bridge Club he put a lot of effort into ensuring the smooth running of Lowewood.

Our thoughts are with his wife Sue and his son Simon at this difficult time.

In Stan's memory Lowewood Bridge Club has donated £100 to his favourite charity, the RNLI.

Last updated : 4th Mar 2022 16:26 GMT

We are very sad to report the death of Lynette Belch, who has died of Covid. We had heard that she had been disharged from hospital only a few days ago, and she seemed to be over the worst, but has since deteriorated. She caught Covid whilst visiting her mother, and her mother, sister and brother in law were all infected as well. Sadly, Lynette's mother has also died.

We offer our condolences to her family and friends

Further information will be sent once we know more about the funeral etc 

Last updated : 4th Mar 2022 16:26 GMT