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2023 Lourenz Trophy Winners
2023 Lourenz Trophy Winners

Anthony King and Peter Wilkins

2023 McKenzie Cup Winner
2023 McKenzie Cup Winner

Harsh Dhawan

Want to learn bridge? Want to improve?
Want to learn bridge? Want to improve?

If you would like to improve your game or you are new to bridge we now have a bridge teacher for you. 
Please contact Hazel Capal on 07788711288. Hazel plays regularly at our club and is a qualified teacher. 

The object of the club is to provide facilities for members wishing to play bridge.
  Club Rules


1. The name of the club is the Loughton Bridge Club.

2. The object of the club is to provide facilities for members wishing to play Bridge.

3. The place of meeting is Grange Farm, Chigwell or any such venue as may become desirable or necessary.


4. The club is constituted as a non profit-making members' club. In no circumstances during its continuance or at or after its discontinuance shall assets or surplus funds be distributed to any member or other persons or any organisation which is not itself constituted as non profit-making or a charity.


Membership and appointment

5. The affairs of the club shall be managed by a Committee comprising a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Director and four other members (plus up to two co-opted members should the Committee deem it necessary).

6. Members shall be elected to the Committee at the Annual General Meetng and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.

Powers and duties

7. The Committee shall be responsible for the good management of the club in accordance with the principles of the English Bridge Union and the Essex Contract Bridge Association and shall be empowered to take any action necessary to maintain the objects and facilities of the club for the benefit of all members.

Voting and Quorum

8. Resolutions shall require the approval of a simple majority of those present and voting. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

9. Four members of the Committee shall form a quorum.

Casual vacancies and co-options

10. The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy (including that of auditor) which arises after the Annual General Meeting and to co-opt not more than two additional members, such members (or auditors) to hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.


11. The club indemnifies the Committee against all claims and losses incurred in the management of the club's affairs, and the Committee shall ensure that adequate insurance is maintained for this purpose.



12. Candidates for membership shall be proposed and seconded by club members on an application provided for that purpose which shall be submitted to the Secretary for approval by the Committee.


13. The Committee shall have the power to terminate or suspend the membership of any member whom it considers guilty of a breach of these rules or of misconduct or offensive behaviour.

Subscriptions and entrance fees

14. Annual subscriptions, table money for members and visitors and entrance fees for new members shall be determined at an Annual or Special General Meeting. Subscriptions shall be payable in advance on 1st September.


Notice and agenda

15. An Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 30th June each year at a time and place determined by the Committee.

16. The Secretary shall send to all members 21 days notice of the meeting together with a copy of the agenda.

17. A copy of the audited accounts of the club for the year to 31st March last preceding the date of the Annual General Meeting shall be distributed at the commencement of the meeting.

Proposed resolutions

18. Proposed resolutions shall be in writing, signed by the proposer and seconder and delivered to the Secretary six weeks before the date of the meeting.


19. Nominations for membership of the Committee shall be in writing, signed by the proposer, seconder and nominee and delivered to the Secretary one week before the date of the meeting.

Display of proposed resolutions and nominees

20. As soon as practicable after their receipt the Secretary shall exhibit all proposed resolutions and nominations on the club notice board.

Voting and quorum

21. All members shall be entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting. Except for proposed amendments to the rules under rule 29, or for a dissolution under rule 32, proposed resolutions and appointments to the Committee shall require a simple majority of members present and voting. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

22. One fifth of the club members at the date of the Annual General Meeting shall form a quorum.


Power to convene

23. A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Committee or on a requisition to the Secretary signed by not fewer than 25 members specifying the objects of the meeting and including any proposed resolutions.

24. Upon receipt of such a request the Secretary shall send to all members 21 days notice of the meeting together with a copy of the agenda. The meeting shall be held not more than 60 days from the date of the requisition.

Voting and quorum

25. The provisions of rules 21 and 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Special General Meeting.


26. The financial year of the club shall terminate on 31st March. The accounts shall be audited by an auditor to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The auditor shall not hold any other office in the club.


27. Each member of the club shall be provided with a copy of the rules.

28. Any additions or alterations to the rules shall be made at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose..The agenda for the meeting shall set out details of the proposed additions or alterations and the reasons therefor.

29. The resolution to approve such additions or alterations shall require the approval of two-thirds of members present and voting.

30. The Committee shall have the power to decide the interpretation of these rules or any questions arising therefrom, and its decision shall be final.

31. The Committee shall have the power to issue such regulations as it considers necessary in order to amplify (but not to alter) any of these rules.



32. The club shall be dissolved by the passing of a resolution to that effect at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose by two-thirds of members present and voting or voting by proxy.

33. The meeting shall appoint a committee to wind up the affairs of the club and shall give general directions as to the disposal of any surplus assets and funds within the scope of Rule 4.

Use of proxies

34. The notice convening the meeting shall include a form of proxy for use by members for the purpose stated in Rule 32.

