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6th July 2017
Board 22: Roman Key Card Blackwood = the key to a slam!

East-West can make 6♠ but without Roman Key Card Blackwood it is nearly impossible to bid. When East jumps to 3♠ West thinks Slam might be on if East's Spades are good enough.

4NT by West is Roman Key Card Blackwood. It asks "how many of the 5 Key Cards have you partner? (the 5 Key Cards are the four Aces and the Trump King)

5♠ by East says "I have two Key Cards and the Trump Queen Partner". (5♣ = 0 or 3; 5 = 1 or 4; 5 =2 without the Trump Queen; 5♠ = 2 with the Trump Queen)

That answer, plus the knowledge that East must have some values somewhere to have rebid 3♠ rather than just 2♠ should be enough for West to bid 6♠ 

The Slam is certain if you choose the best line. Can you see what that is?

If South leads a Club - don't take the finesse at trick one - South is unlikely to have led away from a King against a slam.

Win the ♣ A, draw Trumps, play the  J and if South doesn't play the  K then overtake with the  Q.

When the finesse works play the  A (or the  Q if South played the  K on the first round) and discard your Club loser

Now you just have to lose a Diamond and twelve tricks are yours.

Board 9: From Rags To Riches

Just in case you were doubting whether Roman Key Card Blackwood comes up very often, here it is again just seven hands later.

East opens a weak 2♠. This shows 6-10 Points and a 6-card Spade suit with one of the top three honours (some play it as 5-9).

West can see Game is probable and Slam is possible so bids 2NT to find out more about East's hand. 2NT is an OGUST asking bid. 2♠ can be no stronger than 10 HCP so only bid an OGUST 2NT with 15 HCP or more.

East responds 2 telling partner I have two of top three honours and 6-8 points. (2♣ = 1 top honour & 6-8; 2 = 1 top honour and 9-10; 2♠ = 2 top honours and 9-10; 2NT = three top honours)

If those two top honours are the Ace and King of Spades then slam is on. West can then count 12 tricks if Spades break 2-1 ( 6 Spades, ♣ A K Q,  A K,  A) so West asks using Roman Key Card Blackwood.

This time the answer is 5 meaning two Key Cards without the Trump Queen. Since West has three Aces those two Key Cards must be the ♠ A K and West bids the slam.