Little Clacton Bridge Club
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


3rd March 2016
Cue for a grand?

We played Chicago on the 3rd so the hand records aren't on the site.

Board 29 is an interesting hand though!

The simple route is 1S - 4NT - 5D - 6S. Which will definitely make if you take the safety play of a low Spade towards the S10 covering whatever card West plays.

More adventurous players may remember being taught Cue Bids as in the auction shown. 3C by South would be forcing so 4C is a cue bid agreeing Spades and showing the CA (or void)
( If you play Gerber you need to be clear it doesn't apply in this sequence and if you play Splinter bids 4C would also have a different meaning, so be careful).

4D now shows the DA (or void), and 4H likewise.

North uses Blackwood to check Aces and finding three in partner's hand checks for Kings. Finding South has the fourth King and with five Spades North should bid 7S.

The contract does depend on the Spades splitting 2-2 or dropping one missing honour and finessing the other. In this case the Spades behaved and the Grand Slam made