Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


15th June 2017
Board 3 - Guiding partner in defence

East has a text book 1NT overcall. West simply transfers to 2 as a weak take-out. West could transfer to 2♠ then rebid Hearts but that takes the bidding a level higher. With 17 points, excellent 4-card Heart support, and a doubleton East breaks the transfer to 3 .

West has a tough call now but ventures 4 .

West should go one down but several didn't. How can North South ensure they take four tricks?

South leads the singleton ♣ J.

North wins then cashes singleton ♠ A.

North then plays ♣ Q (their highest Club) saying to partner "if you can win this lead the highest suit back"

South ruffs and leads a Spade back for North to ruff.

Four tricks, one off.

Board 23 Overtricks matter!

2 is a Michael's Cue bid showing 5-5 in Spades and another. With a losing trick count of 7 South goes directly to 4 .

East leads ♠ 10 , dummy plays low and so does West! The ♠ 10 denies the ♠ J and East won't have underled the ♠ A.

You count losers to find a Spade, a Diamond, and three Clubs. The most likely way to cut that to the three you can afford is to ruff two Clubs in Dummy. What do you lead to the second trick?

You have to lead a low Club immediately. If you draw two round of trumps then play a Club West will win and play a trump leaving you with only one Club ruff available.

As it is the ♠ K drops so you still make your contract but you  will have missed an overtrick which is so vital at pairs.