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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


1st June 2017
Board 1 - Tuning In

3♣ is forcing to Game so 3 is not a reverse and 3NT is high enough.

North should lead ♠ 5 (4th highest, unbid suit)

Where should declarer win this trick?

Declarer must win it in hand with the ♠A.

The  A K provide later entries to hand but the ♠ K is a precious entry to Dummy's Diamonds which will turn out to be needed once the 4-1 Club split reveals itself


15 Points was enough for a Slam

This was hand 26 in the second session of the Pairs qualifier at the Spring Bank Holiday Congress

The first point is that if East doesn't open they lose a key tempo to North-South. Although I was playing 2♠ as a weak hand I passed as East because of my five Hearts and regretted when North-South reached and made 3NT for a top! If not playing Weak Twos then there is a case for opening 1♠ with the East hand. It meets the 'Rule of 18' so is legal and you have a perfectly safe rebid of 2 if needed.

However you are in 5SX and get the ♠ Q led, won by North who leads a low Club to Trick Two.

Plan the play.

You should Ruff then draw the last trump.

You can ruff two losing Hearts in Dummy and if the Diamond finesse works that leaves you making your contract.

However if it doesn't work and you have already used the last two trumps in Dummy you will go down.

Therefore you should try the Diamond finesse as soon as you have drawn the last trump. When it works then cash the  A and ruff a Diamond. It costs nothing and when Diamonds split 3-3 you can discard the two losing Hearts that you can't ruff on Dummy's last two Diamonds.

Twelve tricks on 15 points!