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27th April 2017
Leading opponents astray.....

You get the ♣ Q led and of course you stop to count and plan the play

It looks like you have no hope and can't avoid losing two Spades, a Diamond and a Club.

Put your magician's hat on and come up with a cunning plan.....

Well your opponents are going to have to make a mistake but who said Bridge isn't a contact sport? You can and should nudge your opponents hoping they fall.

I won with the ♣ A and tried leading a small Diamond towards Dummy hoping that West would let his partner win the trick even if he held the  A

Fortunately for me West didn't take the  A and I was able to cross-ruff immediately, ruffing the  K Q and J in Dummy!

With great care and agility

East leads the ♠ A then switches to a Club. You win because it could be a singleton, then play  A to start drawing trumps.
To your dismay East shows out so trumps are breaking 4-0, probably invalidating any plan you had.
Now is the time to show your adaptability, but be careful!
Plan the play from here.

This is a very tricky hand

You have alread lost the ♠ A and you are looking at a Spade loser (can be trumped), two Club Losers, and a Diamond losers

You'd like to Trump the Spade and Club losers. Communication is very difficult though and each time you lose the lead West will return a Trump so you run out of time for that play

The answer is to Dump a Club loser on the  K. Lead a small Diamond towards the King. If West Ducks your Diamond loser has disappeared and you're home so West must take the  A.

Now West can cash one Club winner but then must surrender the lead and when he does you can Dump your second Club on the  K.